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Mogres are Slayer monsters that require completion of the Mogre miniquest and a Slayer level of 32 to kill. They reside in the waters of Mudskipper Point and must be lured out of the ominous fishing spots using fishing explosivessuper fishing explosives after Kennith's Concerns, or having the explosive shaker or super explosive shaker on your tool belt.

Mogres are often killed by players searching for their unique drops of flippers and mudskipper hats.

Mogres are fairly weak for their level therefore should present little challenge for medium to high-levelled players. For lower-levelled players however, there are numerous safe spots around Mudskipper Point to attack the mogres at range with either Ranged or Magic with little risk. Mogres drop logs and raw fish fairly often, presenting opportunities for extra healing without needing to bank; including with the use of the Bunyip's Swallow Whole ability.


The mogres are most likely descendants of Bandos' army, which he used during the God Wars. As the jogres were ogres bred in tropical areas, it is likely that the mogres were bred underwater, or modified to be able to breathe underwater. It is possible that their sub-race was created to fight some underwater enemy of Bandos.




Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Big bonesBig bones1Always203

Herb seeds[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Harralander seedHarralander seed1Common196
Avantoe seedAvantoe seed1Uncommon375
Ranarr seedRanarr seed1Uncommon976
Spirit weed seedSpirit weed seed1Uncommon78,260
Tarromin seedTarromin seed1Uncommon137
Toadflax seedToadflax seed1Uncommon9,872
Cadantine seedCadantine seed1Rare1,438
Dwarf weed seedDwarf weed seed1Rare822
Guam seedGuam seed1Rare176
Irit seedIrit seed1Rare1,018
Kwuarm seedKwuarm seed1Rare12,857
Lantadyme seedLantadyme seed1Rare726
Snapdragon seedSnapdragon seed1Rare293
Marrentill seedMarrentill seed1Rare179
Torstol seedTorstol seed1Rare540

Other seeds[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Cabbage seedCabbage seed1–3Common207–621
Jangerberry seedJangerberry seed1Common79
Limpwurt seedLimpwurt seed1Common5,207
Potato seedPotato seed1–4Common244–976
Watermelon seedWatermelon seed1Common3,590
Onion seedOnion seed1–3Common242–726
Belladonna seedBelladonna seed1Uncommon1,007
Spirit weed seedSpirit weed seed1Uncommon78,260
Sweetcorn seedSweetcorn seed1Uncommon298
Tomato seedTomato seed1Uncommon204
Strawberry seedStrawberry seed1Uncommon1,075
Evil turnip seedEvil turnip seed2Uncommon242
Cactus seedCactus seed1Rare1,016
Whiteberry seedWhiteberry seed1Rare136
Wildblood seedWildblood seed1Rare189
Bittercap mushroom sporeBittercap mushroom spore1Rare1,768
Poison ivy seedPoison ivy seed1Very rare302


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Raw herringRaw herring1Common675
Raw sardineRaw sardine1Common614
Raw swordfishRaw swordfish1Common341
Raw swordfishRaw swordfish2–5 (noted)Common682–1,705
Raw tunaRaw tuna1Common348
Raw tunaRaw tuna1–3 (noted)Common348–1,044
Raw sharkRaw shark1Rare1,427
Raw pikeRaw pike1Rare636
Raw salmonRaw salmon1Rare508


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Fishing baitFishing bait5–15Common25–75
Staff of waterStaff of water1Common1,868
Mogre boneMogre bone1Common[1]Not sold
SeaweedSeaweed4–8 (noted)Uncommon112–224
Water runeWater rune5–18Uncommon125–450
Fishing explosiveFishing explosive4–6UncommonNot sold
Crunchy claw tokenCrunchy claw token1Uncommon[2]Not sold
Mudskipper hatMudskipper hat1UncommonNot sold
FlippersFlippers1RareNot sold
Curved boneCurved bone1RareNot sold
Long boneLong bone1RareNot sold
  1. ^ Only dropped during the Rag and Bone Man wish list
  2. ^ Dropped alongside any other drops

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575


  • Mogre is a portmanteau of marine and ogre.
  • Mogres, and all other types of ogre, received a graphical rework, on 17 March 2009, with the release of The Chosen Commander quest.
  • Mogres have various sayings when they come out of the water, including "Da boom-boom kill all da fishies!", "I smack you good!", "Smash stupid human!", "Tasty human!", "Human hit me on the head!", "I get you!", "Human scare all da fishies!", and a few others.
  • If players stand too close the ominous fishing spot while trying to lure a mogre out, they'll receive an interface showing, "If this thing explodes, I think I should stand a liiiiitle further away...".