All Life points: 200
Life points1: 200
All Life points: 500
Life points2: 500
All Life points: 600
Life points3: 600
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 25.8
Combat experience1: 25.8
All Combat experience: 32.1
Combat experience2: 32.1
All Combat experience: 35.7
Combat experience3: 35.7
All Release date: 6 April 2001
Release date: 6 April 2001
All Combat level: 5
Combat level1: 5
All Combat level: 14
Combat level2: 14
All Combat level: 16
Combat level3: 16
All Is members only: true
Is members only1: true
All Is members only: true
Is members only2: true
All Is members only: false
Is members only3: false
All NPC ID: 281
NPC ID1: 281
All NPC ID: 222
NPC ID2: 222
All NPC ID: 803
NPC ID3: 803
A monk is a non-player character usually found in monasteries, churches, and the island of Entrana. Monks will heal a few of a player's life points if the player talks to them and asks them to do so. Monks are useful for training at lower combat levels, as players can talk to another monk and ask him to heal the player.
Monks used to be able to heal themselves for 2 HP (equivalent to 200 life points) in place of an attack. This enabled some users who focused on one combat skill (most commonly Defence) to be able to attack the same Monk for a long amount of time as they couldn't hit more than 10 or 20. The monks on Entrana still have this healing ability.
At one point, a hidden update gave players a small amount of Prayer experience for killing a monk, however this was quickly reversed.