All Life points: 850
Life points1: 850
All Life points: 7,750
Life points2: 7,750
All Life points: 8,250
Life points3: 8,250
All Life points: 9,750
Life points4: 9,750
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 39.6
Combat experience1: 39.6
All Combat experience: 105
Combat experience2: 105
All Combat experience: 114
Combat experience3: 114
All Combat experience: 148
Combat experience4: 148
All Release date: 6 April 2001
Release date: 6 April 2001
All Combat level: 23
Combat level1: 23
All Combat level: 43
Combat level2: 43
All Combat level: 46
Combat level3: 46
All Combat level: 54
Combat level4: 54
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 1044
NPC ID1: 1044
All NPC ID: 188
NPC ID2: 188
All NPC ID: 189
NPC ID3: 189
All NPC ID: 190
NPC ID4: 190
Monks of Zamorak worship the god of chaos, Zamorak. The monks have formed groups and worship together at altars scattered throughout RuneScape. They attack with melee and magic attacks. Unlike Saradomin monks, they do not heal players and do not have a "Talk-to" option. The only place that monks of Zamorak talk is in the Wilderness. Some monks are aggressive and attack when players approach them. They are able to use stat draining magic attacks. In the Myreque questline, they ally with Saradominist monks in order to find a way to break the Edicts of Guthix, but ultimately fails.
One level 46 monk is locked up in a cell on the ground floor of Varrock Palace, although he is currently unreachable.
Level 23 monks are located in Paterdomus, accessible during and after the Priest in Peril quest. After the River of Blood quest, they were cleared out by the player.
Several level 46 monks are located just outside the entrance to the Ourania Cave, north of the Observatory, these are not aggressive.
In one Treasure Trails clue, a Zamorak Monk must be slain to obtain a key that opens drawers in the Edgeville Monastery. Monks of Zamorak at the Chaos Temple and the entrance to the Ourania altar will drop this key. Monks of Zamorak at Paterdomus do not.
During the Defender of Varrock quest, when the zombies attack the Varrock Palace, the imprisoned Monk of Zamorak can be shouting various phrases: "Kill those guards!" "Let me out! I'm a bad guy too!" "Someone want to get me out of here?" "So are any of you zombies gonna break me out?" "Hey! Zombies, I'm on your side." "Haha, mash those guards" "Let me out, I'll help with the invasion!" or "Oi, Mr. Zombie, Can you let me out?"