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RuneScape Wiki
For the hunter creature, see Baby monkey (Hunter).
Baby monkey (blue and white) pet
Baby monkey (orange)Monkey (orange)Baby monkey (beige)Monkey (beige)Baby monkey (grey and beige)Monkey (grey and beige)Baby monkey (tan and beige)Monkey (tan and beige)

Baby monkey (brown and beige)Monkey (brown and beige)Baby monkey (black and brown)Monkey (black and brown)Baby monkey (grey and white)Monkey (grey and white)Baby monkey (blue and grey) Monkey (blue and grey) Baby monkey (black and white)Monkey (black and white)Baby monkey (blue and white)Monkey (blue and white)

Release date 15 January 2008 (Update)
Members Yes
Race Monkey
Source Hunter
Interface No
95 Summoning, 27 Hunter
Food Bananas
Colour variations 10
Examine Baby: It's a tiny, cheeky monkey.
Adult: Hide the bananas!

A Monkey is a Summoning pet that can be obtained with level 95 Summoning and 27 Hunter (neither of the requirements can be boosted). A baby monkey can be caught using a box trap, baited with a banana, at specific locations on Karamja. Baby monkeys gain 5% hunger every 2 minutes and 1% size every 4 minutes; meaning that it takes 6 hours and 40 minutes for a baby monkey to grow into an adult. It, Frosty, the TzRek-Jad, the King Black Dragonling and the Queen Black Dragonling are the only pets with a Summoning level requirement greater than 90 that can be understood without using a boost. To speak to a Monkey, the player must use an Amulet of Monkeyspeak.


Colour variation Baby chathead Baby Adult chathead Adult Baby monkey location
Baby monkey (orange) chathead
Baby monkey (orange) pet
Monkey (orange) chathead
Monkey (orange) pet
Monkey (orange) location
Baby monkey (beige) chathead
Baby monkey (beige) pet
Monkey (beige) chathead
Monkey (beige) pet
Monkey (beige) location
Grey and beige
Baby monkey (grey and beige) chathead
Baby monkey (grey and beige) pet
Monkey (grey and beige) chathead
Monkey (grey and beige) pet
Monkey (grey and beige) location
Tan and beige
Baby monkey (tan and beige) chathead
Baby monkey (tan and beige) pet
Monkey (tan and beige) chathead
Monkey (tan and beige) pet
Monkey (tan and beige) location
Brown and beige
Baby monkey (brown and beige) chathead
Baby monkey (brown and beige) pet
Monkey (brown and beige) chathead
Monkey (brown and beige) pet
Monkey (brown and beige) location
Black and brown
Baby monkey (black and brown) chathead
Baby monkey (black and brown) pet
Monkey (black and brown) chathead
Monkey (black and brown) pet
Monkey (black and brown) location
Grey and white
Baby monkey (grey and white) chathead
Baby monkey (grey and white) pet
Monkey (grey and white) chathead
Monkey (grey and white) pet
Monkey (grey and white) location
Blue and grey
Baby monkey (blue and grey) chathead
Baby monkey (blue and grey) pet
Monkey (blue and grey) chathead
Monkey (blue and grey) pet
Monkey (blue and grey) location
Black and white
Baby monkey (black and white) chathead
Baby monkey (black and white) pet
Monkey (black and white) chathead
Monkey (black and white) pet
Monkey (black and white) location
Blue and white
Baby monkey (blue and white) chathead
Baby monkey (blue and white) pet
Monkey (blue and white) chathead
Monkey (blue and white) pet
Monkey (blue and white) location



  • When Summoning first came out, monkeys were tradeable via the Grand Exchange. This was a bug and has now been fixed.
  • In the follower details interface, the baby chathead can be seen saying "Ooh Ooh Ah Ah!", a typical chimpanzee sound.