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RuneScape Wiki
This article is about standard Monkey bones. For other uses, see Monkey bones (disambiguation).

Monkey bones detail

Monkey bones are a form of bones that can be obtained by killing monkeys. They are almost identical to normal bones, but give 5 Prayer experience per bone when buried instead of the usual 4.5, and are sometimes used instead of regular bones. Monkey bones are also used in the Monkey Madness and Recipe for Disaster quests to make Monkey Greegrees.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Monkey5; 81Always
Jungle horror671Common
Unspeakable horror1054Common
Unspeakable horror (elite)1124Common
Dung kalphiteN/A1Rare
Cave horror772Uncommon

Cost and XP Analysis[]

Bury Gilded altar or
Chaos Temple
Ectofuntus Cremation
Experience 5 17.5 20 22.5 (Total) 12.5 (Prayer) + 10 (FM)
Cost per XP −27.8 −7.9 −7 −6.2 (Total) −11.1 (Prayer) or −13.9 (FM)
  • It is assumed that two burners are lit while using the gilded altar and does not include the cost of clean marrentill.


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See also[]
