Moonshine was a drink made during the 2010 Hallowe'en event for the three werewolves. To make Moonshine:
- Use the Pile of evil leaves on the Empty moonshine vial (gives Strained moonshine vial)
- Use the Big bottle of blood on an Strained moonshine vial to create Unfinished moonshine (blood)
- Add the Big bottle of fear to the Unfinished moonshine to create Unfinished moonshine (blood and fear)
- Add the Pile of ground bones.
- If you left the Grim reaper's house with this item, the message "The Halloween items vanish. You feel a little strange." will show in the chatbox. This message also showed up if only one item was held when leaving.
- In addition to the obvious use in the quest, drinking the Moonshine prior to turning it in will result in a brief transformation into a werewolf.
- You could create an offer for "Ingredients" on the Grand Exchange, although they were unobtainable. The reason for this is currently unknown. This was later fixed and now anyone who put up an offer to buy it was given a refund of coins. It still showed the picture of the moonshine ingredients, though it now says "null" instead of "Ingredients".
- Moonshine was often brewed by Moira's relative Granny Doomeye.