All Life points: 1,200
Life points1: 1,200
All Life points: 600
Life points2: 600
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 12.4
Combat experience1: 12.4
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience2: 0
All Release date: 26 November 2013
Release date: 26 November 2013
All Combat level: N/A"N/A" is not a number.
Combat level1: N/A"N/A" is not a number.
All Combat level: 2
Combat level2: 2
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 18592
NPC ID1: 18592
All NPC ID: 18593
NPC ID2: 18593
Morwenna the Cruel was an evil Zamorakian necromancer from the Fourth Age. Her tomb was raided by the adventuring dwarfGudrik sometime in the Fifth Age, and as a result, when she was raised from the dead by an unknown entity, she attacked Ashdale, where Gudrik had gone to train the player.
She needed to be defeated as part of the Ashdale Tutorial, where the player was assisted by Gudrik during the battle against her. It was possible to die whilst fighting her, however, her attacks were very weak and her life points were low, resulting in an easy victory for the player.
Morwenna's name was likely based on the character with the same name in The Wardstone Chronicles.