RuneScape Wiki
"Maw" redirects here. For the island in the Arc, see Whale's Maw.
Motherlode Maw
Motherlode Maw
Release date 10 November 2014 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest No
Location Prifddinas
Examine Reach inside and place your trust in the Dragonkin.
Motherlode Maw location

The Motherlode Maw is a dragonkin visage found in the Edimmu resource dungeon in the inner circle of the Meilyr Clan district of Prifddinas. Getting outside the dungeon can be easily done via the Dungeoneering cape's perk, where players need level 115 Dungeoneering to enter (non-boostable).

Once inside, should a player have at least level 95 in all other non-elite skills, they may put their arm into the Maw and retrieve a random treasure once per day. Otherwise they will receive a message stating the required levels to access the Maw. Rewards include a range of items, some of which can be useful in helping players complete requirements for the regular and trimmed Completionist cape, as well as for the Master quest cape.

Rewards received are weighted towards requirements which have not been completed by the player, but it is still possible to get items towards requirements that players have already met. Additionally, players may once per day exchange with Wythien 10 motherlode shards, for potential rewards similar to those given by the Maw.

Potential rewards[]

Reaching into Motherlode Maw

A player reaches into the Motherlode Maw.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Crystal chakramCrystal chakram1Rare166,627
Off-hand crystal chakramOff-hand crystal chakram1Rare156,949
Dragon arrowDragon arrow26Rare6,214
Dragon dartDragon dart31Rare4,216
Off-hand dragon dartOff-hand dragon dart31Rare5,549
Crystal bowCrystal bow1Rare326,879
Crystal halberdCrystal halberd1Rare325,545
Dragon 2h crossbowDragon 2h crossbow1Rare3,396,533
Dragon 2h swordDragon 2h sword1Rare134,445
Dragon battleaxeDragon battleaxe1Rare119,464
Dragon battlestaffDragon battlestaff1Rare309,497
Dragon clawDragon claw1Rare67,043
Dragon hatchetDragon hatchet1Rare3,221,368
Dragon longswordDragon longsword1Rare56,212
Dragon maceDragon mace1Rare28,487
Dragon pickaxeDragon pickaxe1Rare2,083,178
Dragon scimitarDragon scimitar1Rare59,432
Dragon throwing axeDragon throwing axe16–57Rare6,208–22,116
Dragon warhammerDragon warhammer1Rare121,018
Off-hand crystal daggerOff-hand crystal dagger1Rare168,327
Off-hand dragon clawOff-hand dragon claw1Rare53,150
Off-hand dragon maceOff-hand dragon mace1Rare28,329
Off-hand dragon longswordOff-hand dragon longsword1Rare55,396
Off-hand dragon scimitarOff-hand dragon scimitar1Rare88,842
Off-hand dragon warhammerOff-hand dragon warhammer1Rare28,612


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Crystal wardCrystal ward1Rare160,718
Dragon chainbodyDragon chainbody1Rare156,138
Dragon bootsDragon boots1Rare11,603
Dragon full helmDragon full helm1Rare1,223,215
Dragon platebodyDragon platebody1Rare1,815,136
Dragon platelegsDragon platelegs1Rare160,990
Dragon sq shieldDragon sq shield1Rare578,531
Dragon kiteshieldDragon kiteshield1Rare351,414


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Papaya tree seedPapaya tree seed1Uncommon2,896
Palm tree seedPalm tree seed1Uncommon39,600
Yew seedYew seed1Uncommon15,302
Magic seedMagic seed1Uncommon52,464
Spirit seedSpirit seed1UncommonNot sold
Elder seedElder seed1Uncommon180,802
Corrupted oreCorrupted ore100–237RareNot sold
Crystal acorn 1Crystal acorn1Very rareNot sold
Crystal tree blossomCrystal tree blossom1UncommonNot sold


It is possible to receive a potion even if the player has not unlocked the ability to make that potion.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Grand strength potion (6)Grand strength potion (6)1Rare21,846
Grand ranging potion (6)Grand ranging potion (6)1Rare34,932
Grand magic potion (6)Grand magic potion (6)1Rare19,993
Grand attack potion (6)Grand attack potion (6)1Rare9,992
Grand defence potion (6)Grand defence potion (6)1Rare16,139
Super warmaster's potion (6)Super warmaster's potion (6)1Rare87,948
Wyrmfire potion (6)Wyrmfire potion (6)1RareNot sold
Extreme battlemage's potion (6)Extreme battlemage's potion (6)1RareNot sold
Extreme sharpshooter's potion (6)Extreme sharpshooter's potion (6)1RareNot sold
Replenishment potion (6)Replenishment potion (6)1RareNot sold
Supreme attack potion (6)Supreme attack potion (6)1RareNot sold
Supreme defence potion (6)Supreme defence potion (6)1RareNot sold
Supreme magic potion (6)Supreme magic potion (6)1RareNot sold
Supreme ranging potion (6)Supreme ranging potion (6)1RareNot sold
Supreme strength potion (6)Supreme strength potion (6)1RareNot sold
Brightfire potion (6)Brightfire potion (6)1RareNot sold
Super prayer renewal potion (6)Super prayer renewal potion (6)1Rare16,953
Holy overload potion (6)Holy overload potion (6)1RareNot sold
Searing overload potion (6)Searing overload potion (6)1RareNot sold
Perfect plus potion (6)Perfect plus potion (6)1RareNot sold
Perfect juju woodcutting potion (4)Perfect juju woodcutting potion (4)1Rare36,451
Perfect juju farming potion (4)Perfect juju farming potion (4)1Rare15,933
Perfect juju mining potion (4)Perfect juju mining potion (4)1Rare29,720
Perfect juju smithing potion (4)Perfect juju smithing potion (4)1Rare31,603
Perfect juju agility potion (4)Perfect juju agility potion (4)1Rare18,931
Perfect juju prayer potion (4)Perfect juju prayer potion (4)1Rare81,010
Perfect juju herblore potion (4)Perfect juju herblore potion (4)1Rare51,889
Perfect juju dungeoneering potion (4)Perfect juju dungeoneering potion (4)1Rare4,351


Receiving an impling jar from the Motherlode Maw does count as catching that type of impling for Daffyd's impling checklist. The pirate impling can be obtained even without completion of Rocking Out.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Baby impling jarBaby impling jar1Rare864
Young impling jarYoung impling jar1Rare731
Gourmet impling jarGourmet impling jar1Rare2,124
Earth impling jarEarth impling jar1Rare998
Essence impling jarEssence impling jar1Rare1,616
Eclectic impling jarEclectic impling jar1Rare2,630
Spirit impling jarSpirit impling jar1Rare8,400
Nature impling jarNature impling jar1Rare3,730
Magpie impling jarMagpie impling jar1Rare14,544
Ninja impling jarNinja impling jar1Rare18,725
Pirate impling jarPirate impling jar1Rare206,611
Divine impling jarDivine impling jar1Rare45,144
Dragon impling jarDragon impling jar1Rare149,099
Zombie impling jarZombie impling jar1Rare36,324
Kingly impling jarKingly impling jar1Rare214,310
Crystal impling jarCrystal impling jar1Rare636,055


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
ChimesChimes516–5,000UncommonNot sold
TaijituTaijitu2–7UncommonNot sold
Memory strandMemory strand528–996UncommonNot sold
Goebie burial charmGoebie burial charm1UncommonNot sold
Gift for the ReaperGift for the Reaper1UncommonNot sold
Unstable air runeUnstable air rune1UncommonNot sold
Slayer VIP CouponSlayer VIP Coupon1UncommonNot sold
Rare item tokensRare item tokens129–321UncommonNot sold
Shattered animaShattered anima80,581–300,000UncommonNot sold
Menaphite gift offering (large)Menaphite gift offering (large)1UncommonNot sold
Anima crystalAnima crystal1UncommonNot sold

Experience-related items[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
D&D token (daily)D&D token (daily)1UncommonNot sold
D&D token (weekly)D&D token (weekly)1UncommonNot sold
D&D token (monthly)D&D token (monthly)1RareNot sold
Dungeoneering WildcardDungeoneering Wildcard1UncommonNot sold
Dragon trinketsDragon trinkets50UncommonNot sold
Spirit onyxSpirit onyx1UncommonNot sold
Hefin course multiplierHefin course multiplier10UncommonNot sold
Scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive)Scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive)1UncommonNot sold
Scrimshaw of corruption (inactive)Scrimshaw of corruption (inactive)1UncommonNot sold
Enhanced prismatic crystal fragmentEnhanced prismatic crystal fragment1UncommonNot sold
Butterfly jar (medium)Butterfly jar (medium)1UncommonNot sold
Small protean packSmall protean pack1UncommonNot sold

Damage enhancers[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Unfocused damage enhancerUnfocused damage enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Airut damage enhancerAirut damage enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Cadarn warrior damage enhancerCadarn warrior damage enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Dominion tower damage enhancerDominion tower damage enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Nihil damage enhancerNihil damage enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Qbd damage enhancerQbd damage enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Rush of blood damage enhancerRush of blood damage enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Volcanic damage enhancerVolcanic damage enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold

Reward enhancers[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Unfocused reward enhancerUnfocused reward enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Artisans' workshop respect enhancerArtisans' workshop respect enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Barbarian assault point enhancerBarbarian assault point enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Black knight kill enhancerBlack knight kill enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Castle wars token enhancerCastle wars token enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Champion scroll enhancerChampion scroll enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Chimp ice enhancerChimp ice enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Chompy bird enhancerChompy bird enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Dark beast assignment tokenDark beast assignment token (unused)1CommonNot sold
Fish flingers medal enhancerFish flingers medal enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Livid farm point enhancerLivid farm point enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Mobilising armies point enhancerMobilising armies point enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Morvran's challenge enhancerMorvran's challenge enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold
Player-owned ports enhancerPlayer-owned ports enhancer (unused)1CommonNot sold


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 10000Coins10,000–30,000Common10,000–30,000
Meilyr potion recipeMeilyr potion recipe (combination potions)1Common[o 1]Not sold
Golden rock (Mining)Golden rock1CommonNot sold
Strange rock (Mining)Strange rock1CommonNot sold
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key1Common11,538
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key1Common11,053
Truthful shadow coreTruthful shadow core10–28 (noted)UncommonNot sold
Blissful shadow coreBlissful shadow core10–24 (noted)UncommonNot sold
Manifest shadow coreManifest shadow core17–29 (noted)UncommonNot sold
Golden mystery eggGolden mystery egg1UncommonNot sold
Crystal keyCrystal key1Uncommon21,811
Divine chargeDivine charge8–20Uncommon965,464–2,413,660
Crystal armour seedCrystal armour seed1Rare3,824
Crystal tool seedCrystal tool seed1Rare83,418
Crystal weapon seedCrystal weapon seed1Rare55,013
Crystal triskelionCrystal triskelion1RareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 1Crystal triskelion fragment 11RareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 2Crystal triskelion fragment 21RareNot sold
Crystal triskelion fragment 3Crystal triskelion fragment 31RareNot sold
Kethsi outfit scrollKethsi outfit scroll1Very rare[o 3][o 4]Not sold
Lucky dragonkin coinLucky dragonkin coin1Very rare[o 5]11,814,721
Starved ancient effigyStarved ancient effigy1RareNot sold
Ghostly essenceGhostly essence5–20Uncommon32,115–128,460
Harmonic dustHarmonic dust34–368UncommonNot sold
Hoardstalker ringHoardstalker ring1UncommonNot sold
Kal'gerion battle commendationKal'gerion battle commendation1Very rareNot sold
Kethsi ringKethsi ring1Very rareNot sold
Magic notepaperMagic notepaper15–23Uncommon20,685–31,717
UshabtiUshabti2–5UncommonNot sold
Thinker bootsThinker boots1Rare[o 6][o 7][o 8]Not sold
Thinker glovesThinker gloves1Rare[o 6][o 7][o 8]Not sold
Uncut onyxUncut onyx1Very rare2,297,944
Dragon arrowheadsDragon arrowheads100Unknown27,700
  1. ^ Finds the recipe for the next combination potion recipe that the player had not yet found. If all recipes have been found, receiving this will instead automatically unlock the next recipe that had not yet been purchased.
  2. ^ Not given if the player already has max aquarium prestige.
  3. ^ Drop rate: ~1/12,000
  4. ^ Mod Meadows. Welcoming Mod Meadows - New RuneScape Community Manager - AMAA (17/01/2018 - 5PM UTC). 2018-01-17. "Oh sorry, I thought I replied, it’s about 1 in 12k... ish rounded down. :)"*
  5. ^ Jagex. Mod Meadows's Twitter account. 18/10/2017. Mod Meadows: "You guessed it (as reply to drop rate of 1/5000)"
  6. ^ a b Drop rate: 3/850
  7. ^ a b Mod Shauny. "Dev Blog: Revealing Drop Rates." 1 December 2017. Existing Game Updates Forums.
  8. ^ a b 6/20 chance to access a table with 1/85 chance for this item.


  • Prior to the release of Invention, the Maw had required a total level of 2490 to access. This was later changed a little bit after Invention was released, then requiring a total level of 2585 to access the Maw. This was once again changed, in a hidden update on 5 June 2017 to require certain levels in individual skills.
  • Air and fire runes can be used on the Motherlode Maw to get responses from it.
    • Using an air rune on the Maw will give the player an ancient air rune with the text "The maw gives out a gust of wind, whatever was in there is now no longer present."
    • Using a fire rune on the Maw will produce the text "The maw crackles with flame, as the night is dark and full of terrors..."
  • Using a Ring of Kinship on the Maw will prompt a message saying: "The maw rejects the Ring of Kinship and rejects your offer to party. Don't you feel silly now?"
  • The Motherlode Maw received a generous reward overhaul in a game update on 4 September 2017, as the result of an effort pioneered by Mod Meadows. The initiative to reform the Motherlode Maw's rewards was first announced to the community in a forum post by Mod Meadows on 25 May 2017, which contained numerous design suggestions and polls to gauge player feedback on the proposed reward changes.[1]


  1. ^ Mod Meadows. ""Maw" Maw rewards? ~ Updated!." 25 May 2017. Future Game Updates Forums. QFC: 16-17-681-65914832