Mountain may refer to:
- Ice Mountain - Mountain in northern Asgarnia
- White Wolf Mountain - Natural border between Asgarnia and Kandarin
- Eagles' Peak - One of the mountains of a yet unnamed mountain range separating Kandarin and Tirannwn
- Arandar - Actually a mountainous region in Tirannwn which includes a pass between Kandarin and Tirannwn
- Trollweiss Mountain - Very large mountain where Trollweiss flower grows
- Trollheim - Tall mountain in Troll country. Eadgar and mountain goats reside there
- A very tall mountain with an Ice Path - One of the most inhospitable mountains in mainland Gielinor due to dangerous creatures and cold effect
- Galarpos Mountains - Part of a range that separates Tirannwn from the rest of Gielinor
- Mountain Daughter, a quest