All Life points: 1,320
Life points1: 1,320
All Life points: 1,900
Life points2: 1,900
All Slayer experience: 19.6
Slayer experience1: 19.6
All Slayer experience: 24.8
Slayer experience2: 24.8
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 63
Combat experience1: 63
All Combat experience: 95.4
Combat experience2: 95.4
All Release date: 23 July 2002
Release date: 23 July 2002
All Combat level: 46
Combat level1: 46
All Combat level: 53
Combat level2: 53
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1752
NPC ID1: 1752
All NPC ID: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
NPC ID2: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Mounted terrorbird gnomes are gnomes riding terrorbirds. They are stronger than regular unmounted terrorbirds. They are found spread around and to the south of the Tree Gnome Stronghold and the Battlefield. They may be killed for the birdslayer task. They attack with melee and are weak for their level, and consequently aren't very hard to kill.