All Life points: 1,200
Life points1: 1,200
All Life points: 2,850
Life points2: 2,850
All Life points: 3,050
Life points3: 3,050
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 51.9
Combat experience1: 51.9
All Combat experience: 233.1
Combat experience2: 233.1
All Combat experience: 283.2
Combat experience3: 283.2
All Release date: 27 August 2002
Release date1: 27 August 2002
All Release date: 19 July 2005
Release date2: 19 July 2005
All Release date: 19 July 2005
Release date3: 19 July 2005
All Combat level: 33
Combat level1: 33
All Combat level: 79
Combat level2: 79
All Combat level: 85
Combat level3: 85
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 16714
NPC ID1: 16714
All NPC ID: 19619
NPC ID2: 19619
All NPC ID: 16723
NPC ID3: 16723
Mourners are elves that have joined the PrifddinasDeath Guard. They can be found in and just outside West Ardougne, in their headquarters in the same city, and walking from Prifddinas to Arandar. They were introduced with the Plague City quest, and play a large part in the Elven Civil War quest storyline. Those in the basement of the Mourner HQ can be killed for elfslayer assignments.
After the events of Plague's End, they are replaced by Knights of Ardougne and elves, which have exactly the same stats, although they do not have the same drops and do not count for elf tasks.
This article on an NPC has an associated dialogue page. Click here for a transcript of possible conversations with this NPC.
Before a graphical update, the Mourners used to wear modern gas masks, instead of the more era appropriate gear they wear now.
The Mourners are a reference to plague doctors from the Black Death epidemic during the 14th century.
Before the Evolution of Combat, the mourners at Arandar would drain all your stats except Summoning to 20, including life points. This ability made them one of the highest hitting monsters in RuneScape. While wearing a full set of Torva, Pernix or Virtus equipment with 99 constitution and full life points they would hit for 1190 damage.