A mourner top is an article of clothing that may be equipped on the torso slot of a player character. To obtain one, players must kill a Mourner on the path to Prifddinas. However, the Mourner will bring all combat stats down to 20, so it is recommended players bring a stat restore potion or a super restore potion, although a stat restore potion is a cheaper option. The top is identical to those of the Plague set obtained from Sheep Herder.
This, along with the rest of the mourner gear, cannot be used to enter the incinerator area north of West Ardougne.
During a hidden update, the mourner/plague clothes were cosmetically changed. Before the update they were tan-coloured, with the mask looking more like a realistic gas mask.
After completion of Plague's End, the mourner gear may be reclaimed from the mourner headquarters in West Ardougne. To obtain, enter the headquarters and descend the trapdoor. In the south eastern room is a chest from which the gear may be reclaimed.