This is the quick guide for Mourning's End Part II .For a more in-depth version, click
here .
Walkthrough [ ]
Speak to the Head Mourner in the Mourner Headquarters beneath West Ardougne (You must be wearing nothing but a full set of Mourner gear ) Members only MasterVery Long Skill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
60+ Agility (for lesser chances of failing any obstacles or 70 for 92% less chance to fail the handholds) Items from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Means of reaching West Ardougne quickly
Lots of food and other sources of healing, such as the enhanced excalibur , Saradomin godsword , or Guthan's set
A beast of burden for carrying extra food, and an extra pouch to renew its timer; if you have a Legendary pet , it is suggested to utilise it as a BoB and extend its timer to two hours
A Bunyip can eliminate the need for almost all food, but because of the length a second pouch and a Summoning potion will probably be needed
A charged crystal teleport seed
Either a death talisman , an omni - or a death-imbued talisman/tiara /talisman staff , or a wicked hood fed with a corresponding talisman or tiara (otherwise you will be required to get 50 other items)
Agility boosts, such as agility potions or summer pies (the Surefooted aura does not work)
Weight-reducing clothing , such as boots of lightness , wicked robes , and penance gloves
None, although you must be able to handle attacks from numerous, aggressive shadows (level 95)
Starting out [ ]
Start by talking to Arianwyn in Lletya .
Return to the Mourners Headquarters in West Ardougne , go down the trapdoor.
While wearing your mourner gear , talk to the head mourner who will give you the New Key and start the quest.
Run west through the cave, keep going until you find the dead bodies.
Search a guard corpse for a colour wheel .
Report back to Arianwyn in Lletya.
Temple of light [ ]
Go back to the temple and climb the staircase to the west of the entrance.
Run south and climb up ladder on the south wall.
Run to the centre of the eastern wall.
Chisel a chunk off the black crystal. ( 1 ) …
Return to Arianwyn and speak to him.
Use the blackened crystal on Eluned (right next to Arianwyn).
Speak to her again for a newly made crystal .
Talk to Arianwyn again.
Blue door [ ]
Optional: Bring an Agility boost .
Return to the temple with a weapon and healing familiar if possible.
Ascend the stairs.
Pull the crystal collector lever on the eastern wall.
Collect all 5 items from the collector. ( 3 ) …
Use a mirror on the nearby pillar, rotate it to point the light north.
Use a mirror on the north pillar, rotate to point the light west.
Use a mirror on the closest west pillar, point it south.
Go south, use your yellow crystal on the next pillar.
Use a mirror on the south pillar, point it east.
Use your Agility boosts now.
Climb the wall support on the south wall, not the ladder.
You might fail this a few times. Keep trying until you make it across.
Enter the door and loot the chest.
Magenta door [ ]
Pull and collect from the collector. ( 3 ) …
Reflect the light north.
Then reflect west.
Add the yellow crystal and continue to the west pillar.
Then reflect north.
Then reflect east.
Add the cyan crystal. This is the only door you'll need the cyan crystal for, so on the other doors, you can destroy it to conserve inventory space.
Pass the door and loot the chest.
Cyan door [ ]
Pull and collect from the collector. ( 3 ) …
Reflect the light north.
Reflect the light downwards. Long side of the mirror is on the south side.
Descend the stairs then reflect the light west.
Reflect the light north.
Run around to the north pillar - reflect the light up.
Go back upstairs and use the yellow crystal on the pillar.
Climb the ladder directly north.
Reflect the light west.
Go back down, run all the way south, and up the ladder.
Run to the north west corner.
Reflect the light south.
Run to the south west corner, reflect the light downwards.
Climb back down using the ladder on the south wall.
There is a small room slightly north west of the ladder, climb across the low wall, and use your rope on the rock.
Climb down the rock, through the door and loot the chest.
Yellow door [ ]
Do not reset the system or you will have to repeat the previous steps!
Exit the room with the chest, climb up the rope and over the low-wall.
Take the yellow crystal from the pillar near the north wall.
Use the blue on it instead.
Run to the south ladder, climb it, then run to the north west corner again.
Reflect the light down (largest part of the mirror should point east).
Collect the south-west mirror.
Descend the southern ladder again.
Descend the stairs next to the collector.
Run to the north-west corner, through the door.
Reflect the light south then search the chest at the dead end.
Run to the north-west room, through the door.
Reflect the light east, then exit through the eastern door.
Magenta and yellow doors [ ]
Pull the lever and collect everything at the collector. ( 3 ) …
Reflect the light north.
Reflect the light west.
Reflect the light south.
Place the yellow crystal.
Reflect the light east, then cross the handholds.
Use the blue crystal inside and recross the handholds.
Retrieve the mirror next to the handholds.
Take the yellow crystal.
Run north and reflect the light up.
Climb the south ladder.
Use a mirror on the pillar where the light is meant to come up. Reflect it south.
Run south and add your fractured crystal to split the beam in four directions.
Run to the first west pillar, reflect it down (large side pointing east).
Run back to the fractured crystal.
Run to the first south pillar, reflect the light east.
Reflect the light down (large side pointing west).
Go to the ground floor, and run south-west to the green light dropping down.
Reflect the green light south.
Reflect the light east.
Pass through the door.
Reflect the light north.
Pass through the north door, loot the chest, and return to the room.
Reflect the light west, and exit the room via the west door.
Cyan and black doors [ ]
Pull the lever and collect everything at the collector. ( 3 ) …
Reflect the light north.
Reflect the light down (large side pointing south).
Go downstairs, reflect the light west.
Place a fractured crystal (if 4 light beams don't appear, try the other one).
Run south, and place another fractured crystal.
Run west, reflect the light up.
Run east 2, reflect the light up.
Run west 1, north 2, reflect the light up.
Go to the middle floor, northern wall where the light is, add the yellow crystal.
Climb up the nearby ladder and reflect the yellow light west.
Go back down, then climb the southern ladder.
Run north 1, then run west 1.
Reflect the green beam west (it should become visible).
Run east 2 and reflect the light west.
Reflect the light north.
Run around to the north pillar. Reflect the light west.
Place your blue crystal.
Run to the north west corner, reflect the red south.
Run south 1 and reflect the light east.
Climb down the stairs in the middle of the room.
Rotate the mirror past the cyan door to point west.
Finishing up [ ]
Pass through the white door.
If you do not have a death talisman/tiara/hood, read the full quest guide for what to do next.
Do not lock yourself out by teleporting!
Enter the death ruins.
Use the newly made crystal on the altar, then exit using the portal.
Use the charged newly made crystal on the black crystal (top floor).
Talk to Arianwyn.
Quest complete!
Rewards [ ]
Music unlocked