RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the sailor in Port Khazard. For the zombie pirate from Bloodsplatter Isle, see Mechanical Murphy.

Murphy chathead

Murphy is a sailor who lives in Port Khazard. He can be found on the north pier at the east side next to the red star Minigame map icon minigame icon. He runs the Fishing Trawler minigame, and also makes and replaces fishbowl helmets and diving apparatus, primarily used for the Pirate Pete section of Recipe for Disaster and later for The Great Brain Robbery, A Clockwork Syringe, Rocking Out, and Beneath Cursed Tides. Multiple pairs can only be obtained using the drop trick. He will also take you to the Mogre Camp if the players ask to go.

He can be contacted with the NPC Contact spell to find out about when the next trip of the fishing trawler will be. He also is the NPC that you can obtain a Sextant from for coordinate clue scrolls after speaking to the professor in the observatory.



  • Before Murphy referred to both male and female players with "my son". However this is no longer the case. Instead he refers to female players with m'hearty.
  • Murphy breaks the fourth wall, by saying "Game Magic".
  • Humorously, if you attempt to dive with a pet cat in your inventory, you will have a funny conversation about making a cat-sized diving suit. You will still have to store the cat, however.