Mushroom may refer to:
Herblore & Farming[]
- Bittercap mushroom
- Morchella mushroom
- Mort myre fungus
- Mushroom patch, where mushrooms can be grown
- Spores, various seeds for growing mushrooms
- Black mushroom
- Black mushroom (Dimension of Disaster)
- Bloodcap mushroom
- Blue Isafdar mushroom
- Button mushroom
- Red Isafdar mushroom
- Wintercup mushroom
- Edicap mushroom
- Gissel mushroom
- Gissel mushroom (o), a fake mushroom for use in a puzzle
Mushrooms in The Arc[]
- Arc puffball
- Blushroom
- Buttercap
- Corpsebloom
- Honeyfungus
- Immorel
- Inky cap
- Lactarius
- Mushroom cluster
- Paraspore
- Purple bellow
- Russula
- Snufftruffle
- Sporcini
- Summertwirl
- Toastool
- Wushroom
- Gorajian mushroom, an edible mushroom found in the Polypore Dungeon
- Lost grove mushrooms
- Mushroom, a troll NPC
- Mushrooms, a food item in Dorgesh-Kaan
- Mushrooms, found in the Nemi Forest on Mazcab
- Purple mushroom