Mysterious chronicle (part 26) is a book found only in Daemonheim. It may appear in front of the dungeon-ending ladder after killing the boss monster.
It is written in the year 45 of the Fifth Age. Bilrach is recovering from the disruption caused by the gorajo. He's found methods to push farther and faster, and anything he leaves behind is dumped into the realm of the gorajo. He promises vengeance against the families of the gorajo.
Year 45 of the Fifth Age:
As promised, I'm recovering whatever time and depth we have lost to the gorajo. I have found methods to push faster and farther; my portals rip through floors like never before, and anything I leave behind is dumped as waste in the gorajo realm. Let their families pay the price for their warriors slowing me down! I grin to think of the welcome they'll be given by their families when they return home.
Zamorak be praised!