Mysterious chronicle (part 5) is a book found only in Daemonheim. It may appear in front of the dungeon-ending ladder after killing the boss monster.
It was written in the year 1313 of the Fourth Age. Bilrach reveals himself to be a Mahjarrat, and holds his fellows in contempt, particularly Zemouregal. He believes Zemouregal would waste time fruitlessly searching for power.
The time during which this was written would have been around the time that Zemouregal was seeking the Shield of Arrav.
Year 1313 of the 4th Age:
Those fools! I pity the imbeciles of my kind. To think they looked down on me and doubted the extent of my power! Pathetic. Zemouregal, if he could only see me now, he would not be so quick to judge my abilities. I have no doubt that he'll be wasting his time on some lost cause for power that he'll never obtain. They'll see my true strength in due time; they'll see who will be sacrificed, they'll tremble at the mention of my name!
Zamorak be praised!