A Necromancer is a studier of necromancy; talking to, and sometimes raising, the dead. They are usually followers of Zamorak, as the practice of necromancy is considered "evil" by most societies; however, a handful of non-Zamorakian necromancers have been accepted within society at various times.
The animation of undead such as Skeletons and Zombies are the usual fare for necromancers, and have often been used as disposable troops, as seen during the God Wars. After the Missing My Mummy quest, Pharaoh Queen Senliten suggests that necromancy is a corruption of the mummification process, and was widely used by the Mahjarrat when they first arrived in Gielinor in the Second Age after leaving Freneskae with Icthlarin. Practising necromancy is considered a dangerous activity as numerous individuals have turned insane while attempting to raise the dead.
Known necromancers[]
In Necromancer Tower - South of East Ardougne[]
- Necromancer level 39 - "A crazy evil necromancer."
- Irwin Feaselbaum - "A young assistant necromancer."
- Invrigar the Necromancer level 42 - "An evil user of Magic powers."
- Morwenna the Cruel - A Zamorakian necromancer from the Fourth Age who haunted Ashdale until the player came.
- Dragith Nurn - An undead necromancer found in the Lumbridge Catacombs.
- Malignius Mortifer - Constantly refining his necromancy skills by practicing.
- Tarn Razorlor - Gone mad by living in the Abandoned Mine, raised his old friends from the dead.
- Melzar the Mad - After Elvarg destroyed his home he went mad and dedicated himself to reanimating his fellow countrymen.
- Vanstrom Klause - A human-born Vampyre, he was able to summon a Skeletal Hellhound, indicating that he practise necromancy.
- Wizard Grayzag - A necromancer according to Malignius, but he now summons demons and Pests instead of undead.
- Sithik Ints - Responsible for the Zogres, in possession of the Necromancy book.
- Zemouregal - A powerful Mahjarrat necromancer who attacked Varrock with armies of skeletons and zombies, twice.
- Lucien - Another powerful Mahjarrat necromancer who also attacked Varrock with an army of skeletons and zombies.
- Wizard Frumscone - A wizard who lives in the basement of the Wizards' Guild with his collection of summoned zombies.
- Papa Mambo - A shaman who was kicked from being the head shaman of Shilo Village due to his necromancy.
- Necromancer (Daemonheim) - "A seemingly crazy necromancer."
- Necrolord - One of the Mahjarrat Bilrach's legion of supremely powerful necromancers within Daemonheim, in the Occult floors.
- Necromancer (Heart of Gielinor) - Monsters that fight for Sliske's faction in Heart of Gielinor.
Undead with powers of necromancy[]
- Strongbones - First goblin high priest not to be cremated after death. Player meets him during Land of the Goblins quest.
- Rashiliyia - Spirit betrayed by Zamorak. Plays a role in Shilo Village quest.
Quests involving necromancy[]
- Zogre Flesh Eaters
- Shilo Village
- Land of the Goblins
- Haunted Mine
- Defender of Varrock
- Swan Song
- The Blood Pact
- While Guthix Sleeps (only used during a cutscene)
Also see[]
- In RuneScape Classic, players had the ability to choose their class. One of the choices was to become a Necromancer, which gave players a higher starting level in Necromancy (the original Magic). Later when the class system was removed, all necromancers became Mages.
- Some people have compared necromancy to Summoning, but according to Malignius Mortifer, the two have nothing in common.
- According to Irwin Feaselbaum, necromancers can raise themselves from the dead.
- Guthix Manifests - Views on Necromancy from Guthix.
- Zamorak Deconstructs - Views on Necromancy from Zamorak.
- Postbag from the Hedge 1 - Wizard Frumscone talking about his Zombies.
- Postbag from the Hedge 24 - A rant from Malignius Mortifer.