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Necrovarus' notes detail

Necrovarus' notes are obtained by speaking to Necrovarus in the Grim Underworld during the 2015 Hallowe'en event.


The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Necrovarus' notes.

Observations on Prayer

Ah, how naive the inhabitants of this world are! Most of them seem to believe that when they pray to their god he or she looks down upon them and grants them their blessing... Hah! The thought tickles my stomach. Oh yes, Saradomin is just sitting around waiting for people to bury bones so that he can show him his gratitude. What peculiar logic!

Little do they know the power possessed by the dead. When they bury their bones they actually commune with the spirits, drawing upon their power by giving them a proper burial. This power can be channeled by the skilled to gain boons or even - conversely - create curses, which are often taught within a school of thought represented by a god. Perhaps this is where their followers' beliefs come from? Alas, I do not pretend to be interested in the thoughts of lesser minds.

Of course, a better burial will gain more favour with the spirits, hence altars or the ectofuntus providing more effective methods in becoming skilled in prayer.

The Ectofuntus

Given my previous observations, I have finally discovered the perfect place for a new ectofuntus. I shall build it on the banks of the River Noumenon! The process of mixing bonemeal with ectoplasm is utilised to link the realms of the living and the dead, so where better to do this then on the boundary between those two realms? There is also a constant supply of ectoplasm from all the ghostly activity. Yes, the process will be most effective here.

The key, though, is the ectofuntus itself. The structure draws spirits towards it, creating a well of souls at which to mix the aforementioned ingredients. Praying at the well allows a connection with the dead to be formed, similar to that of a séance. The most effective method of harnessing prayer I have found.

N.B. It has come to my awareness that a select few are beginning to realise the power of the dead. Clearly Amascut has already discovered this, consuming enough souls to earn herself the title of The Devourer, but I have also heard rumours of another. One I fear has even grander goals...