RuneScape Wiki
Ninja Impling
Ninja impling
Release date 11 June 2007 (Update)
Hunter level 74
Experience 339/481
Location Puro-Puro and throughout Gielinor
Trap Butterfly net or magic butterfly net
Preferred bait None
Retaliation No
Loot See Loot
Examine A very stealthy impling.

The Ninja Impling is an Impling that can be caught in the Impetuous Impulses minigame, and is located throughout Puro-Puro and Gielinor. The player needs at least 74 Hunter to capture this type of impling.

They could be caught with a butterfly net, magic butterfly net, sacred clay butterfly net, or volatile clay butterfly net.

In Puro-Puro, a net and empty jars are required to catch any implings.

In Gielinor, they can also be caught barehanded or while wielding any item, with or without an empty impling jar. Without an empty jar player will immediately receive the loot from the impling, instead of the impling itself.

Once these requirements have been met the player simply needs to click on the impling, and the character will attempt to catch it, though there is a chance of failure, in which case the character will continue trying to do so until it is caught. Bind, Snare or Entangle could be cast on implings to prevent them from moving for different periods of time.

When the impling is finally jarred the player can either trade with Elnock Inquisitor or loot the ninja impling from the Ninja impling jar, which will leave an item behind. The player can get 3 Impling jars for one ninja impling.

Capturing a ninja impling will grant the player either 339 (if caught on Puro-Puro) or 481 (if caught on RuneScape) Hunter experience.

Because many players ignore baby or young impling when encountered, the spawn rate of rarer implings is hindered. The faster a lower level impling is caught, the faster the respective spawn point will generate a new, possibly rarer, impling. Players looking for rarer implings would do well to catch any low level implings they see in order to encourage the respawning of higher level implings.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Snakeskin bootsSnakeskin boots1Common1,034
Splitbark helmSplitbark helm1Common5,197
Splitbark gauntletsSplitbark gauntlets1Common2,699
Mystic clothMystic cloth(noted)Common6,952
Rune chainbodyRune chainbody1Uncommon29,002
Rune clawRune claw1Common4,555
Rune scimitarRune scimitar1Uncommon14,957
Rune warhammerRune warhammer1Uncommon23,218
Dragon daggerDragon dagger1Uncommon16,952
Opal macheteOpal machete1Common608
Rune arrowRune arrow70Common10,570
Rune dartRune dart70Common5,390
Rune knifeRune knife40Common15,800
Rune throwing axeRune throwing axe50Common17,050
Onyx boltsOnyx bolts2Uncommon14,870
Onyx bolt tipsOnyx bolt tips4Rare28,428
Black dragonhideBlack dragonhide10; 16Common34,820–55,712
Prayer potion (3)Prayer potion (3)(noted)Common8,832
Weapon poison+ (3)Weapon poison+ (3)(noted)Uncommon4,356
Dagannoth hideDagannoth hide3Uncommon18,105
Rune barRune bar(noted)Rare11,940