RuneScape Wiki
This article is about notes withdrawn from the bank in lieu of items. For other uses, see Note (disambiguation).
Note detail

A Note is a piece of paper that represents an item or stack items of the same type. It is equivalent to actual items, but cannot be used physically until exchanged for an object, for example in a bank. They are an initiative of RuneScape Certifications LLP. Notes were released on 10 February 2004. Every note has the same examine text: "Swap this note at any bank for the equivalent item." Not every item can be noted. Stackable items and most untradeable items are examples of items that cannot be turned into a note.

This concept replaced bank certificates from RuneScape Classic, introduced with Update:Bank Notes!.

Notes are stackable items, though a separate stack (and therefore a separate slot in the inventory) will be needed for each type of item. Each stack can hold 2,147,483,647 items, and bears an image on it that indicates the type of item it represents.

Items must be exactly identical to be in the same stack. For example, an antipoison potion with 2 doses will be separate from one with 3 doses, and a ring of duelling with 8 charges is different from one with 7.

The purpose of notes is to provide an easy way for players to trade large quantities of an item that otherwise occupies multiple inventory slots.

Swapping notes for items[]

Players can deposit notes in the bank, offer them for sale in the Grand Exchange, or sell them to a general store. Doing any of these will swap the note for the item it represents.

If you have a player-owned house and have the required Construction level, you may hire a servant who will un-note noted items, excluding bones and demonic ashes. To use the services of your servant, right click on them and select "Un-cert".

Swapping items for notes[]

The Tool Leprechaun, located near most farming patches will exchange the crops you harvest for banknotes. He will exchange grimy herbs and clean herbs. The one exception to this is the leprechaun at South Falador allotment, who will refuse to exchange cabbages, claiming that the whole farm stinks of them. Nightshade is one form of produce that cannot be exchanged for banknotes as it is an untradeable item. To convert your produce to bank notes, use them on the leprechaun.

Stiles is an NPC located on southern shore of Musa Point, west of the bar. He will exchange raw and cooked lobster, tuna and swordfish. To convert your fish to banknotes, use them on Stiles.

From the bank[]

Players can withdraw most items from their bank as notes ("noting" the items) by selecting the "Withdraw as: Note" button at the bottom of the bank interface window before withdrawing the items (see below for exceptions). The effect lasts until the player selects the "Withdraw as: Item" button, or until they close the bank interface window (the bank switches back to "Withdraw as: Item" by default). As of October 2008, this has changed so the bank will remember which option you have chosen until you log out.

From the Grand Exchange[]

When the Grand Exchange was first introduced, items withdrawn from it would be noted if (and only if) the player was unable to carry the full quantity un-noted.

This changed on the 4 March 2008, so that the items would be noted if the player withdrew at least five identical items, and un-noted otherwise. Unlike with the bank, it was not possible for players to change this behaviour according to their needs.

This changed again on the 26 August 2008, so that players could choose whether to withdraw items noted or un-noted in any quantity. When withdrawing items, players could left-click on them to take them noted, or right-click for the option to take them un-noted.

This was tweaked again on 26 October 2009, so that a single item would be taken un-noted by default (i.e. by left-clicking), but two or more identical items in one slot would be taken noted. Players can alter this behaviour as needed by right-clicking on the item(s).

Magic notepaper[]

Main article: Magic notepaper

Another way to turn items into notes is to use them on magic notepaper, obtained from Treasure Hunter or Thaler. Items can be noted by using the item on the notepaper. Using the notepaper on the item will not work for turning the item into a note.
