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For this item's main hand variant, see death lotus dart.
For other variants of this item, see elite version.

Off-hand Death Lotus dart detail

Off-hand Death Lotus darts are level 85 Ranged weapon from the Eastern Lands, unlocked through a player-owned port. They are equipped in the off-hand slot.

They can be created at level 92 Fletching, requiring one set of ancient bones and 25 Ascension shards, granting 250 experience and creating 25 darts. As with all craftable items in the workshop, boosts will not work when making them. They are made at the workbench just outside the workshop, at the last option "Thrown weapons".

The effective cost of Death Lotus darts depends on the price of scrimshaws. Based on the current most expensive scrimshaw, the darts thus have an effective cost of 16,760 coins per dart.

Players on a budget may consider dual-wielding an ascension crossbow with off-hand Death Lotus darts. When first attacking a target, the main hand weapon is used and thus its ammo is lost far more often than the off-hand ammo. Therefore, this combination negates the high upfront cost of the off-hand ascension crossbow and greatly reduces the loss of indirectly expensive/untradeable Death Lotus darts while sacrificing a relatively small amount of damage.

Combat Stats
RequirementsOff-hand Death Lotus dart equipped
85 Ranged
Ranged RangedOff-hand slot
Fastest (2.4s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


Off-hand Death Lotus dart Off-hand Death Lotus dart ×25
Fletching-Make-X GE icon
250 XP--
Fletching Fletching level92
Scrimshaw scroll piece 4 Unlock the Death Lotus darts scroll in a player-owned port
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Ancient bonesancient bones1N/A-
Ascension shardAscension shard25N/A-


[FAQ] • [doc]

One disassembly of Death Lotus darts has an effective cost of 837,992.8, based on the opportuniy cost of not making highest priced tradeable scrimshaw.

Comparison with other Ranged weapons[]


Name Reqs Cost Accuracy (Tier) Notes
Seren godbow Seren godbow 92 Ranged 923,416,219 2577 (92)
Noxious longbow Noxious longbow 90 Ranged 163,230,298 2458 (90)
  • Has a special attack, Mirrorback, that summons a mirrorback spider which reduces and reflects damage for ten seconds
  • Has a 9 square attack range, which decreases the distance a player needs to move in order to attack targets
  • Degrades: has 30,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 5 hours), and costs 4,500,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Decimation Decimation 87 Ranged 65,339,204 2287 (87)
  • Has a special attack, Locate, all of your attacks hit all available targets within 3 tiles of your main target (i.e. all of your attacks become area-of-effect attacks) for 10 seconds
  • Supplies its own ammunition, disallowing the use of Bane ammunition
  • Has a 9 square attack range, which decreases the distance a player needs to move in order to attack targets
  • Degrades: has 60,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 10 hours), and costs 4,500,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Wyvern crossbow Wyvern crossbow 85 Ranged 24,191,474 2178 (85)
  • Passive effect: damage-over-time effect that ramps up in damage the longer it is in combat against a specific foe that is treated as a poison
  • Has a 9 square attack range, which decreases the distance a player needs to move in order to attack targets
  • Degrades: has 30,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 5 hours), and costs 4,125,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Strykebow Strykebow 85 Ranged
85 Defence
13,534,872 2178 (85)
  • Passive effect: stores damage received in combat (must remain equipped)
  • Has a special attack, Deep burn which traps the target in a column of fire using the stored damage from the passive effect
  • As a shieldbow, it allows the use of defence abilities at a cost to damage dealt
  • Has a 9 square attack range, which decreases the distance a player needs to move in order to attack targets
  • Degrades: has 60,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 5 hours), and costs 5 dark bows (387,220 coins) to repair
Hexhunter bow Hexhunter bow 80 Ranged 169,376,270 1924 (80)
Royal crossbow Royal crossbow 80 Ranged
70 Smithing
60 Summoning
357,584 1924 (80)
  • Must reach the Queen Black Dragon's fourth phase and brandish it when she uses her extremely hot flames to initially obtain one
  • Has a 9 square attack range, which decreases the distance a player needs to move in order to attack targets
  • Degrades: has 30,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 5 hours), and is repaired using royal crossbow parts (25% per part)
Attuned crystal bow Attuned crystal bow 80 Ranged
50 Agility
90 Smithing

The Eyes
Attuned crystal weapon seed, 2000 harmonic dust 1924 (80)
  • Has a chance (up to 12%, based on Agility level) to deal +25% damage
  • Supplies its own ammunition, disallowing the use of Bane ammunition
  • Has a 7 square attack range.
  • Degrades: has 50,000 charges of combat (double charges used outside of Prifddinas; a minimum of about 8 hours inside), and can be repaired by Eluned/Islwyn for a minimum of 200,000 coins
Zaryte bow Zaryte bow 80 Ranged 8,816,585 1924 (80)
  • Supplies its own ammunition, disallowing the use of Bane ammunition
  • Can be wielded in the God Wars Dungeon to protect from the four central factions
  • Has a 7 square attack range.
  • Degrades: has 60,000 auto-attacks, and costs 2,000,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Sunspear (ranged) Sunspear (ranged) 78 Ranged
River of Blood
Free after River of Blood quest, 600,000 to reclaim 1829 (78)
Hand cannon Hand cannon 75 Ranged
61 Firemaking
of a
804,514 1694 (75)
  • Uses hand cannon shot as its ammunition
  • Can also explode and do damage to the player using it (the higher the Firemaking level the lower the chance)
  • Has a 9 square attack range, which decreases the distance a player needs to move in order to attack targets


Name Reqs Cost Accuracy (Tier) Notes
Blightbound crossbow Off-hand Blightbound crossbow Blightbound crossbow and off-hand 92 Ranged 496,358,591 (main hand)
592,343,565 (off-hand)
2577 (92)
  • Has a 7 square attack range
  • Degrades: has 60,000 charges of combat (but loses 2 charges per hit, so has a minimum duration of 5 hours of combat), and costs 4,500,000 coins to repair via a Repair NPC, or discounted at an armour stand
Ascension crossbow Off-hand Ascension crossbow Ascension crossbow and off-hand 90 Ranged 125,758,405 (main hand)
125,985,380 (off-hand)
2458 (90)
Superior Morrigan's throwing axe Superior Morrigan's throwing axe 88 Ranged 11,498,028 (main hand) 2343 (88)
Superior Morrigan's javelin Superior Morrigan's javelin 88 Ranged 11,529,528 (main hand) 2343 (88)
Elite Death Lotus dart Off-hand Elite Death Lotus dart Elite Death Lotus dart and off-hand 88 Ranged
92 Fletching
25 Death Lotus dart (or off-hand), Death lotus extract 2343 (88)
Shadow glaive Off-hand shadow glaive Shadow glaive and off-hand 85 Ranged 12,797,611 (main hand)
12,196,398 (off-hand)
2458 (90)
Death Lotus dart Off-hand Death Lotus dart Death Lotus dart and off-hand 85 Ranged
92 Fletching
Ancient bones, 25 Ascension shards 2178 (85)
Attuned crystal chakram Off-hand attuned crystal chakram Attuned crystal chakram and off-hand 80 Ranged
50 Agility
90 Smithing

The Eyes
2 attuned crystal weapon seeds, 2000 harmonic dust 1924 (80)
  • Has a chance (up to 12%, based on Agility level) to deal +25% damage
  • Thrown weapon, disallowing the use of Bane ammunition
  • Has a 7 square attack range
  • Degrades: has 50,000 charges of combat (double charges used outside of Prifddinas; a minimum of about 8 hours inside), and can be repaired by Eluned/Islwyn for a a minimum of 200,000 coins
Chaotic crossbow Off-hand chaotic crossbow Chaotic crossbow and off-hand 80 Ranged
80 Dungeoneering
Dungeoneering token 200,000 (main hand)
Dungeoneering token 100,000 (off-hand)
1924 (80)
  • Has a 7 square attack range
  • Degrades: has 30,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 5 hours), and costs (total) 3,000,000 coins, or 300,000 coins and 30,000 Dungeoneering tokens to repair
Armadyl crossbow Off-hand Armadyl crossbow Armadyl crossbow and off-hand 75 Ranged 5,594,315 (main hand)
5,598,386 (off-hand)
1694 (75)
  • Has a 7 square attack range
  • Does not degrade
  • Offers a prayer bonus
  • No ammunition of the corresponding tier

