All Life points: 11,600
Life points: 11,600
All Slayer experience: 200
Slayer experience: 200
All Combat experience: 612
Combat experience: 612
All Release date: 7 May 2003
Release date: 7 May 2003
All Combat level: 81
Combat level: 81
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 852
NPC ID1: 852
All NPC ID: 5174
NPC ID2: 5174
All NPC ID: 8660
NPC ID3: 8660
The ogre chieftain is an ogre that can be found in the Feldip Hills. They can also be found guarding and inside the Ogre Enclave. Players can receive the ogre chieftain as a slayer assignment. These have a slow respawn, high life points, hit frequently and have very few drops making them not very good to train on. Killing normal ogres instead would be recommended.