RuneScape Wiki

Oily bakami jar detail

An oily bakami jar is the result of successfully catching an oily bakami, requiring 90 Hunter. Catching an oily bakami grants 500 Hunter experience.

Oily bakami jars can be sold to Sensei Seaworth's Spirited Away shop on Tuai Leit for 10 chimes each, or looted for a variety of rewards. Assuming the fish are cooked and the oil sold, an average of 1.29 fish oil per oily bakami can be expected, worth 11.6 chimes, so it may be more profitable to open the jar and sell its contents.

Store locations[]

Spirited Away
Merchant Sensei Seaworth
Island Tuai Leit
Price sold at 100
Prices bought at
Base value 10
First upgrade 11
Second upgrade 12

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Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Raw seerfishRaw seerfish6–12 (noted)CommonNot sold
Raw sillagoRaw sillago3–5 (noted)UncommonNot sold
Raw tarponRaw tarpon9–18 (noted)CommonNot sold
Wushanko fishing baitWushanko fishing bait10CommonNot sold
Fish oil 2Fish oil1–3CommonNot sold