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Omni-talisman staff detail
Omni-talisman staff abyss

An omni-talisman staff being used to distract the eyes in the abyss

An omni-talisman staff is made by combining an omni-talisman with a runecrafting staff. Unlike the other talisman staves, the omni-talisman staff cannot be created by the player. The omni-talisman can be attached to the runecrafting staff if the player talks to Wizard Korvak with the talisman and the staff in their inventory. Unlike Korvak's other services, attaching the omni-talisman to a tiara or a Runecrafting staff is free. Runecrafting staves are sold at the Runecrafting Guild by Wizard Elriss for 10,000 Runecrafting guild tokens or by Stanley Limelight for 330 thaler.

The staff is used in the Runecrafting skill. It is similar to an omni-tiara in purpose, as it can be equipped, allowing players to left click on runecrafting altars to enter them and save an inventory space when crafting runes through not having to carry a talisman to access altars. This can be helpful for players with a Master runecrafter hat, saving an inventory space instead of carrying a talisman or tiara/wicked hood while reaping the bonus experience benefits. Jagex have also said that the staff can also be used for "distracting the eyes in the Abyss to help you sneak past". It cannot be used as a substitute for runes when casting Magic spells.

Unlike the law talisman staff, the omni-talisman staff cannot be taken to Entrana and used to enter the law altar as it has combat bonuses and is considered a weapon by the monks of entrana. If a player dies, this staff will not appear at their gravestone.

Combat Stats
RequirementsOmni-talisman staff equipped
Magic Magic2h slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


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  • Despite being a staff, it was used for melee instead of magic for a while following the Evolution of Combat. This has since been changed.