RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for One of a Kind.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
One of a Kind icon
Talk to Mr. Mordaut in his office in Varrock Museum.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyGrandmaster Grandmaster
Official lengthLong to Very Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:

Completion of Ritual of the Mahjarrat is optional, but unlocks an additional reward:

Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Enemies to defeat

Starting out[]

Items recommended: 2 free inventory spaces
  • Talk to Mr. Mordaut in the basement of Varrock Museum right behind the stairs. (Chat 11)
  • Read the book Hannibus Hunted.
  • Talk to Mr. Mordaut. (Chat 2121)

Bob the Cat[]

Items needed: Catspeak amulet (e), various teleports (lodestones help)
  • Locate Bob the Cat with the catspeak amulet.
  • Talk to Bob. (Chat 222)

Unferth's house[]

  • Travel to Unferth's house north-east of Burthorpe lodestone.
  • Talk to Unferth. (Chat 13112)
  • Search bookcase.
  • Investigate fireplace.
  • Inspect table.
  • Remove carpet.
  • Enter trapdoor.

Robert the Strong's library[]

Items needed: emerald
  • Search the desk in the centre of the room.
  • Investigate the weapon rack (north). (Chat 1)
  • Use Iron oxide on emerald to get Animate Rock Scroll.
  • Read the Animate Rock Spell scroll by the statue (south).
  • Talk to Hannibus. (Chat 1111142)
  • Search all bookcases (west and east).
  • Look at the map (south).

Forinthry Dungeon[]

  • Run to the Green dragons in the south east corner of the Forinthry Dungeon.
  • Hannibus will talk to you.
  • Run closer to the south east corner of the room. (Chat 2)
  • Study Rock.

The mysterious statues[]

  • Head to the the mysterious statue east of the Seers' Village bank.
  • Read the Animate Rock scroll by it. (Chat 312)
  • Repeat for the next 3 statues.
    • North-west of the Karamja lodestone. (Chat 12)
    • North-west of the Ardougne lodestone. (Chat 12)
    • North of the Tower of Life (fairy ring djp). (Chat 12)
    • Rotating all 4 statues gives access to 10,000 bonus experience in any skill.
  • Travel to the north-west corner of Entrana.
  • Read the Animate Rock Scroll by the Submerged statue (Chat 334)

Brimhaven Dungeon[]

Items recommended: Antifire potion, method to kill 3 iron dragons weak to water spells, Dragonkin Primer
  • Travel to the iron/steel dragons in Brimhaven Dungeon. (Chat 1)
  • If you don't get the question about 'One of a Kind' go back to the entrance of the room and walk slowly into the room again.
  • Kill 3 iron dragons. (Chat ~~)
  • Head to the west wall by the Mysterious entrance to study the Dragonkin writing.

Grotworm Lair[]

  • Travel to the Grotworm Lair north-west of Port Sarim lodestone.
  • Investigate the Summoning portal at the end. Once inside, you can use the shortcut to the south-east with at least level 50 agility to get there quickly. (Chat 1)
  • Talk with Hannibus. (Chat 3111)

Dragontooth Island[]

Items needed: Ghostspeak amulet or cramulet
Items recommended: Ectophial to get to Port Phasmatys or Big Book o' Piracy to get to Dragontooth Island directly. Antifire potion and food to survive fighting celestial dragons for 2 minutes

The white dragon[]

Items recommended: Combat gear, food and potions to fight 3 Dragon-Hunters (Ranged/Magic/Melee)
  • Activate the Artefact north of Monastery of Saradomin in Edgeville to meet with Hannibus in the King Black Dragon Lair. (Chat 11)
  • You will not enter a player-versus-player enabled area despite the warning.
  • Talk with the King Black Dragon. (Chat 1)
  • Enter Mysterious entrance.
  • Talk with Therragorn. (Chat 11)
  • Kill the 3 Dragon-Hunters.

Daemonheim with Kerapac[]

  • Kerapac will talk to you. (Chat 32111)
  • Head into the far northern room. Kerapac will talk to you. (Chat 2)
  • Harvest 25 memories from the wisps and channel them into the cage.
  • Talk with Kerapac to fight Echo of Jas. (Chat 1)

Wrapping up[]

Items needed: 5 free inventory spaces
  • Speak with Echo of Jas to teleport out.
  • Kerapac will talk to you. (Chat 411~)
  • Quest complete!


One of a Kind reward
Music unlocked