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Not to be confused with Onyx bakriminel bolts.
Coins 10000
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Onyx bolts detail

Onyx bolts are runite bolts tipped with onyx. A player must first have a Crafting level of 67 and take a cut onyx and use a chisel with it to make 24 onyx bolt tips, or buy the onyx bolt tips from the Tzhaar. Attaching onyx bolt tips also requires a Fletching level of 73. Once the onyx bolt tips have been attached, the rune bolts become onyx bolts.

Onyx bolts can be enchanted through the spell Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Onyx) by a player with level 87 Magic. The spell enchants 10 onyx bolts at a time, and once they are enchanted they become enchanted onyx bolts and gain a special ability.

Elite Treasure Trails may also feature 12 onyx bolt tips as a reward.

Combat Stats
70 Ranged70
Ranged RangedAmmo slotDefenceArmour0
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage672-Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
StyleBoltsStyle bonuses


Onyx bolts Onyx bolts ×10
Fletching-Make-X GE icon
94 XP-74,350
Fletching Fletching level73
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Runite boltsRunite bolts101971,970
Onyx bolt tipsOnyx bolt tips107,10771,070
Total price73,040

Money making[]

{{Mmgtable/display|Activity = Enchanting onyx bolts |Image = Enchant bolts |Profit = 1350*(77230-74350-232-412) |Skill = 87 Magic |Item = Staff of fire
Large amount of starting money |Quest = None |Other = None |Other Benefits = 130,950 Magic

|Inputs =

13,500 x Onyx bolts Onyx bolts (100,372,500)
1,350 x Death rune Death runes (313,200)
1,350 x Cosmic rune Cosmic runes (556,200)

|Outputs = 13,500 x Onyx bolts (e) Onyx bolts (e) (104,260,500) |Location = Anywhere (no banking necessary) |Category = Magic |Intensity = High |Details = Onyx bolts (e) have a relatively high High Alchemy price, so many players use them to train Magic due to their high Grand Exchange limit. They can also be put in the Alchemiser mk. II while still profiting off them at the same time.

Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Onyx) is cast with one cosmic rune, 20 fire runes, one death rune and enchants 10 bolts at a time. Use a staff of fire for free fire runes. Click the Enchant Crossbow Bolt magic spell, which opens a menu to enchant bolts. You can right-click the Onyx bolts in this menu to enchant up to 10 sets of 10 bolts at once. Each set of ten spells takes approximately 26 seconds, so you can make up to 13,500 enchanted Onyx bolts per hour. Because the runes and bolts all stack, there is no need to bank, and you can enchant in almost any location.

The bolt market is fairly volatile, so test the profit of one set of bolts before you buy the runes and bolts in bulk. Maximise your profit by buying one Onyx bolt (e) instantly, and sell all of yours for slightly less than what you paid. They may take a while to sell, but an extra 100 coins per bolt can double your profit.

While the bolts can potentially sell slightly faster by undercutting the price at which they instantly buy, it is advised to sell them for the exact same price, to avoid starting a downward spiral by undercutting other sellers and very likely getting undercut in return.

|Money making guide/Enchanting onyx bolts=Money making guide/Enchanting onyx bolts|Money making guide/Enchanting onyx bolts=Money making guide/Enchanting onyx bolts|=|=|%ARGS%=§Activity = Enchanting onyx bolts §Image = Enchant bolts §Profit = 1350*({GEP§Onyx bolts (e)§10}-{GEP§Onyx bolts§10}-{GEP§Death rune}-{GEP§Cosmic rune}) §Skill = 87 {scm§Magic} §Item = Staff of fire
Large amount of starting money §Quest = None §Other = None §Other Benefits = 130,950 {scm§Magic}

§Inputs =

13,500 x {plink§Onyx bolts} ({GEPrice§Onyx bolts§13500})
1,350 x {plink§Death rune}s ({GEPrice§Death rune§1350})
1,350 x {plink§Cosmic rune}s ({GEPrice§Cosmic rune§1350})

§Outputs = 13,500 x {plink§Onyx bolts (e)} ({GEPrice§Onyx bolts (e)§13500}) §Location = Anywhere (no banking necessary) §Category = Magic §Intensity = High §Details = Onyx bolts (e) have a relatively high High Alchemy price, so many players use them to train Magic due to their high Grand Exchange limit. They can also be put in the Alchemiser mk. II while still profiting off them at the same time.

Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Onyx) is cast with one cosmic rune, 20 fire runes, one death rune and enchants 10 bolts at a time. Use a staff of fire for free fire runes. Click the Enchant Crossbow Bolt magic spell, which opens a menu to enchant bolts. You can right-click the Onyx bolts in this menu to enchant up to 10 sets of 10 bolts at once. Each set of ten spells takes approximately 26 seconds, so you can make up to 13,500 enchanted Onyx bolts per hour. Because the runes and bolts all stack, there is no need to bank, and you can enchant in almost any location.

The bolt market is fairly volatile, so test the profit of one set of bolts before you buy the runes and bolts in bulk. Maximise your profit by buying one Onyx bolt (e) instantly, and sell all of yours for slightly less than what you paid. They may take a while to sell, but an extra 100 coins per bolt can double your profit.

While the bolts can potentially sell slightly faster by undercutting the price at which they instantly buy, it is advised to sell them for the exact same price, to avoid starting a downward spiral by undercutting other sellers and very likely getting undercut in return.


Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Menaphite gift offering (small)N/A2Rare
Kingly implingN/A43–60Uncommon
Ninja implingN/A2Uncommon
Rare drop tableN/A135–165Uncommon


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