This is the quick guide for Our Man in the North.
For a more in-depth version, click here.
Speak with Hassan in the Merchant district of Menaphos |
Members only |
Master |
Short to Medium |
Skill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quests: |
Items from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Starting off[]
The bloodline[]
Items recommended: Combat gear and food
- Go to the Grand Library in the Imperial district.
- Talk to Kohnen the librarian, who is just north of the entrance. (
- Leave the Grand Library.
- Head north to talk to Commander Akhomet. (
- Head to Pollnivneach.
- Speak to Aristarchus, who is north-west of the south magic carpet station. (
- You will have to fight four Menaphite Thugs.
- They are level 122 and fight using melee.
- You can hide behind Aristarchus if you need a safe spot and are using range/magic.
- Return to the Grand Library and speak to Aristarchus, who is south of the entrance inside the library.
- Go to Uzer Mastaba. After the cutscene, walk inside and speak to Senliten (fairy code DLQ). (
- Go to Al Kharid and speak to Osman, who is in the throne room, south of the lodestone.
- Speak to Emir Ali Mirza next to the throne. (
Tracking down Jabari[]
Items recommended: Have roofs on the Selectively setting in your Graphics Settings
- Leave the Palace and head north-east to Dommik's Crafting Store.
- Ignore the quest active area marked on the minimap.
- Climb the stairs on the inside of the crafting store.
- Climb up the ladder south of the stairs.
- Follow these steps across the rooftops:
Walk across the plank.
Slide down the awning.
Go through the building.
Go across the washing line.
Climb the ladder.
Talk to Jabari.
Cross the planks.
Go up another ladder.
Jump down the scaffold.
Climb down the rug.
Swing across the wooden frame.
Jump to the next building.
Bounce across the awning to the bank.
Climb up the brickwork.
Talk to Jabari.
Parrot drop off the bank.
Run north of the bank, west of the furnace, and talk to Jabari.
Run north-east of the Al Kharid lodestone into a tent, and talk to Jabari.
Run north to the house near the north-east exit of Al Kharid, and talk to Jabari.
Fighting Jabari[]
Items needed: Combat Equipment and Food
- Prepare to battle Jabari four times. He is level 112 and uses Magic.
- Talk to Jabari. (
- Jabari will teleport you into the centre of the arena, surrounding you with his clones.
- Choosing the wrong Jabari will cause an explosion that damages the player and scales with level.
- Find the real Jabari. As it is random for each player, it could be any of these:
- The only one facing backwards
- The only one in attack position
- The one with the smallest sceptre
- The largest one of them
- The one targeted by the audience
- The one with the correctly spelled name
- The one with a different robe colour
- The one without prayer renewal particles
- The one who is not translucent
- Talk to Het.
- Talk to Emir Ali, in the Al Kharid throne room. (
- After the cutscene, talk to Emir Ali again. (
- Quest complete!
- Additional rewards/activities
- Music unlocked