The following guide gives advice on training the Ranged skill from levels 1-99, for members. The ranged combat skill is highly useful as it gives the player the ability to attack from long ranges with projectiles. This can allow a player to avoid all damage in combat.
Defence can also be trained using ranged weaponry by setting combat experience gain to Defence, or Defence and Ranged, in combat settings within the Powers menu.
Used to automatically collect most ammunition. Can be upgraded to Ava's accumulator with 50 Ranged, and then to Ava's alerter with partial completion of Do No Evil.
Provides a 12.5% accuracy and damage boost while attacking your current slayer assignment. For additional Slayer points, the helm can be upgraded to provide up to 14.5% accuracy and damage bonuses and the defensive bonuses of a level 70 helmet.
In addition to providing the the same damage bonus as Anima Core of Zamorak, Pernix armour offers both health and prayer bonues, at the cost of degrading.
Have a passive poison effect and enhance the effect of other poisons.
A male player wearing Armadyl armour.
Recommended accessories[]
In addition to the main armour sets, there are a number of other equipment slots that should be filled. These accessories offer a wide range of effects such as improved loot, adrenaline saving, damage bonuses, and unique attacks.
Some may wish to wear a ring of wealth, which is understandable, but there are other rings that offer combat oriented effects.
Auras cost loyalty points to buy and have their use limited only by a cooldown timer. Recommended auras are listed below, see the aura page for a complete list.
Increases prayer restoration by potions and reduces prayer drain, each by 3% to 10%.
Recommended weapons[]
The following table shows you what the best advised equipment is to train Ranged fast.
Note If using an optimal ability rotation, ammunition usage can be all but eliminated. Training with Momentum will obviously cost much more than using abilities, since ammunition is used with each auto-attack, however it would require less attention. Using Ava's device past level 30 will collect the ammunition automatically, as well as providing a good range bonus in cape slot.
At the almost the same price, topaz bolts (e) offer an enchantment Down to Earth which reduces the target's Magic level in PvP and offers more damage, although it is more difficult to obtain from the GE.
Ideal training with chinchompa is to be hitting nine targets at all times. This in turn means that you will be attacked by at least nine enemies, and need to be able to counteract the damage. Protection prayers, deflect curses, or soul split can largely mitigate this damage, but food may still be necessary. Additionally, a single click emergency teleport may prove useful.
Hit chance[]
The overall hit chance of a weapon is largely dependent on its level, so chinchompa have a maximum accuracy equal to that of other level 75 items. Accuracy boosting effects such as void or auras should be considered to counteract misses if fighting something with reasonably high defences.
Dwarf multicannon[]
Note that the gold cannon and royale cannon take 60 and 90 ammo per load, making them more efficient than a standard cannon at 30 ammo per load.
NOTE: While the Black demons are not particularly cost-effective for range training (as compared to the green dragons, which produce an exorbitant profit), many of their locations - particularly in the Taverley Dungeon - go quite unnoticed by most players as potentially some of the quickest experience given in the game. Taverley, for example, produces a fire rate almost double that typically found in the Green dragons area near Clan Wars and has the added bonus of not requiring the anti-dragon shield, antifire potions, or super antifire potions. However, the Black demons will hit rapidly, heavily, and accurately when you must leave your safe spot, so lower levels must be wary to either activate Protect from Magic or to ensure their health and armour are strong enough to defend them very briefly to reload the cannon. When cannoning Black demons, you may wish to bring prayer potions so you can continue to use Protect from Magic during extended trips.
The cannon cannot be set up in the following locations:
Ranging potions if you want to boost your Ranged level. Note that the cannon's accuracy is affected by your Ranged level and the attack style you are using. Also Ranged level will only increase cannon accuracy if you wield a ranged weapon. Please note that the cannon's accuracy will not be affected as heavily as your own ranged stats.
Shield use is generally reserved for bosses or other high level encounters, and is relatively rare for general training. The main exception to this is dragonfire protection. Shields of note are listed below.
Absorbs 30% of incoming damage in exchange for draining 6% of the original hit in prayer points. This is currently the strongest non-degrading Ranged shield available.
This is currently the highest tier Ranged shield available.
Reprisers act as both an off-hand weapon and a shield at the same time. This provides a substantial boost in defence without giving up dual-wield abilities.
Either can be obtained directly from raids, or the Mazcab ability codex can be bought from another player.
Save for a few exceptions, you can gain ranged experience from any monster you attack. However, the most effective monsters to kill for experience are those with a weakness to ranged attacks. This is even more pronounced when matching a monster's specific type of ranged weakness to arrows, bolts, or thrown weapons. For complete lists of monsters weak to each type, see the following pages:
As with any style of combat, you may choose to train it predominantly through Slayer. This has several benefits, such as the damage bonus from a full slayer helmet, less crowded areas, and unique monsters to kill. In addition, you may choose to sculpt your block and prefer lists to allow you more tasks that are ideal for ranged training.
Level 20 Agility needed to take the shortcut (although around 3 bats will gather close to the shortcut on the other side of the river, with striking distance of a shortbow)
* Void Knight armour with Ranger helm unless on a slayer task, in which case a Full slayer helm or Focus sight would be more recommended. High magic protection equipment such as black dragonhide, royal or armadyl armour to reduce the need of food.
Players must fletch their own Blisterwood weaponry (stakes or crossbow), as they are untradable.
Experience rates can be reduced substantially if even one more person is training in Darkmeyer; as Vyres are aggressive, making auto-retaliate less useful for training.
Unless a player has cremated a large number of Vyre corpses, they will not achieve the high hits necessary to earn the best experience rates.
Waterfiends' combat levels also allow for very high Clue scroll (hard) drop rates. One such clue can be found easily within an hour.
Once the Waterfiends become non-aggressive, they are quite easy to 3-hit with hand cannons for high kill/ammo rates. Players will need very little food once this occurs because of the Waterfiends' tendency to hit 1 on players more often than they either hit or miss.
* Players with higher Ranged will find faster experience rates.
Pay for an instance (200,000 coins for one hour) with spawn setting on fast.
Very high experience rates per rotation, with 8,871 combat experience in total per rotation.
Excellent drops, such as noted dwarf weed and dwarf weed seeds, which fetch a high price on the GE, along with Armadyl armour and the Armadyl hilt.
Can be camped for hours without needing to bank if using a sufficient setup.
Very far from a bank, and requires killcount to enter, which can hamper experience rates.
Can be crowded if you choose not to create an instance.
You can die very easily if you are not paying attention.
Other training methods[]
Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza[]
This gives Ranged experience as well as Magic and Agility, but can only be attended weekly. Depending on your levels, the experience varies but it could be high. Going to this circus is recommended and high ranged attack bonus and ranged-boosting prayers will be an advantage. High magic attack bonus and magic boosting prayers is an advantage for the Magic too. It only takes a few minutes to complete.
Black demons and black salamanders[]
With a full set of Void equipment and black salamanders it is possible to kill black demons very quickly (5–20 seconds), which results in a decent amount of experience per hour. Black demons are also a good source of charms and are found in Taverley and Brimhaven dungeons as well as in the Chaos Tunnels.
Waterfiends are a very good source of ranged training. With Elite void or Pernix equipment and a high level ranged weapon (handcannon, attuned crystal bow, black salamander, and royal crossbow are all great choices) over 150 kills per hour (around 150,000-400,000 experience per hour) is possible. They are also an excellent source of charms and drop semi-valuable loot, making them a choice spot for higher level players to train.
AFK waterfiends[]
With sufficient levels and equipment, waterfiends at Ghorrock can be AFK'd for very easy Ranged XP. This method, though requiring high levels is much cheaper than other AFK alternatives such as using Chinchompas in the abyss. You will need at least 92 Prayer for Soul Split, and 96 Herblore for Overloads is highly recommended. The use of a Geyser titan is also helpful though not explicitly required. With at least tier 70 armour and tier 80 weapons you can expect 450,000 experience per hour if concentrating and 350,000 experience per hour totally afk, as well as 100+ crimson charms.
What you will need:
20 Prayer potions (Soul Split should be all the healing you need)
You will need to find an area in the tunnel appropriate for the level you are and the equipment you are using, the first room is host to only 4 waterfiends, while the second room is host to 6. These monsters will become tolerant after 10 minutes of fighting, this can easily be reset by running to the next room or climbing up and then back down the ladder located in the first room.
Abyssal training[]
Training Ranged, Melee and Magic skills in the Abyss is perhaps the best AFK exp/hour in the entire game. The south-west and south-east corners spawn 15+ creatures that are aggressive and will attack the player upon respawn. There is a world-hopping safespot in the far south-west corner behind a tendril. The creatures become non-aggressive after 10 minutes. To reset the aggression timer simply run away and come back.
Corruption Shot is critical for range training. It increases XP/hour by 28%.
Blood amulet of fury or Bunyip is enough to heal for a complete AFK experience.
Bring a charming imp. Have him eat the abyssal, gold, green charms for easy Summoning exp. The monsters drop ludicrous amounts of charms due to the sheer volume of kills per hour.
At worlds 50+, Shattered Worlds can be a very good source of experience. In general, each world offers better experience per kill than the one before it until the player no longer has enough resources to continue. In addition to experience, shattered worlds awards the player with Shattered anima for rewards like Bladed Dive and slayer masks that are normally only obtainable from Treasure Hunter. It is recommended that players train around worlds 70-80, bringing their own armour and weapons, for the fastest experience rates.