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Pineapple detail

A pineapple is an item used in Cooking (especially Gnome cooking) and Farming. It cannot be eaten directly, but right clicking on a pineapple and selecting "Slice" turns it into four pineapple rings (which heal 200 life points each) or pineapple chunks (the entire pineapple becomes one set of chunks, which heals 200 life points). Either of these can be consumed on their own or used in making pineapple pizzas.

Pineapple chunks is used as an ingredient to make drinks such as the fruit blast and pineapple punch.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Jogre57; 862Common
Jungle horror671–3Common
Barrel (Viyeldi caves)N/A1Rare
Chaos Elemental3055Uncommon

Where to obtain[]

Players can pick pineapples from plants found in tropical areas, such as near the entrance to Brimhaven Dungeon or near the start of the Ape Atoll Agility Course. Pineapples can sometimes be found inside barrels.

Members can grow their own pineapple tree via the Farming skill (see below). This provides a source of free pineapples that may be more conveniently-placed than wild pineapple plants.

Players can also buy pineapples from the Grand Tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold; Hudo and Heckel Funch sell them for 2 coins each, and have an inventory stock of 10.

Arhein in Catherby will also sell pineapples for 2 coins each, but he has a limited stock of 40 per day. Players must talk to him for this, and not trade with him directly. When buying from Arhein, the pineapples come noted, so no need to worry about how many you can fit in inventory.

Provided that the Easy tasks in the Karamja Diary have been completed, a pirate named Dell Monti, located around the Brimhaven house portal, will give players 40 free noted pineapples per day.

Players can also buy (and sell) pineapples on the Grand Exchange. When this feature was first released, pineapples were 450 coins each, but this has now moderated. Pineapples were originally sold on charter ships, but are no longer sold there due to the Shop Improvement update of 2 October 2007.

Players with level 69 Summoning may summon a Fruit bat and use its fruit fall special to receive a decent amount of pineapples.


It is also possible to grow a pineapple tree from a pineapple seed with level 51 Farming. A gardener will watch over it for a payment of 10 watermelons.

Players can use pineapples to make supercompost, and they are popular for this purpose because they can be easily and cheaply obtained.

Players can also use 10 pineapples to pay a gardener to watch over a growing papaya tree.


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Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?


  • Despite being inedible without cutting them first in Burgh De Rott Ramble/Temple Trekking you can trade it to your follower as food.
  • Previously, when you want to slice a pineapple, the chatbox would say: "You slice the Pineapple intochunks.", without a space between "into" & "chunks". This has been fixed.
  • When attempting to slice a pineapple while pineapple rings and plain pizzas are also in the inventory, there is a bug that causes the menu to mix the latter two to appear, while preventing the player from slicing the pineapple.