All Life points: 3,000
Life points: 3,000
All Combat experience: 269.4
Combat experience: 269.4
All Release date: 5 July 2010
Release date: 5 July 2010
All Combat level: 84
Combat level: 84
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 11593
NPC ID: 11593
The pit black demon features in the Wise Old Man's player-owned house during the quest Love Story. Zenevivia redecorated the house adding a dungeon full of traps, as well as many pit creatures to guard the dungeon.
After the quest, black demons may be "built" in your player-owned house with 89 construction and 300,000 coins. Despite dropping Infernal ashes in the Wise Old Man's house, it does not drop anything when in a player-owned house.
When challenge mode is off, the pit black demon uses its old graphics. When it is on, it uses the current Black demon model instead. This may be a glitch.