RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Plague City.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Quest icon 5th age
Talk to Edmond, in East Ardougne north of the castle, next to the wall surrounding West Ardougne.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyNovice Novice
Official lengthShort to Medium
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
  • None
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
Enemies to defeat
  • None

Getting started[]

  • Talk to Edmond who is located at a house north of the western bar in East Ardougne. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to his wife Alrena directly east in the house and give her the dwellberries.
  • Pick up the picture of Elena from the table in the Eastern room of their house.

Breaking in[]

  • Talk to Edmond.
  • In his garden, use all 4 buckets of water on the mud patch in the south part of his garden, between the cabbages and potatoes.
  • Dig near the mud patch.
  • Go south and right click Open the grill.
  • Use a rope on the grill and talk to Edmond.
  • Equip the Gas mask obtained earlier and go through the pipe.

The search for Elena[]

  • Use the picture on Jethick, who is found walking around the town square, and tell him that you will help return the book. (Chat 1)
  • Go to the house north of the town square near the northern wall and enter.
  • Talk to Martha Rehnison or Ted Rehnison.
  • Go upstairs and talk to Milli Rehnison.
  • Exit the house and go south of the town square.
  • Go to the most southern house with spooky stairs and attempt to open the door with a big X)(Chat 12)

Getting to Elena[]

  • Go north to the large building you first arrived at, in the town square.
  • Talk to the Clerk on the ground1st floor[UK], and tell him it's urgent. (Chat 21)
  • Climb the stairs and enter the eastern-most room.
  • Talk to Bravek. (Chat 13)
  • Read A scruffy note.
  • Add the chocolate dust to the bucket of milk and then add snape grass to make a hangover cure.
  • Talk to Bravek and give him the cure. (Chat 3)
  • Go back and enter the house with the black X's.
  • Search the barrel on the western side of the building's ground1st floor[UK] to obtain A small key.
  • Go down the stairs, open the gate and talk to Elena.

Finishing Up[]

  • Return to the town square you arrived at, and re-enter the manhole.
  • Talk to Edmond.
  • Quest complete!


Plague City reward
Music unlocked