The following are Player Power polls which were featured in the past.
Some details about past polls are available in an archive on the RuneScape website, found here.
Main article: Player Power/Past polls/2017
- Dragonstone
- Grand Exchange Booths
Main article: Player Power/Past polls/2016
- Dragonstone
- RuneLabs: New Area
- Gower quest reward finalists
- RuneLabs: New Area (2)
- Favorite Update of 2016
Main article: Player Power/Past polls/2015
- Dragonstone
- Invention! Which interests you the most?
- RuneLabs March '15 Poll
- RuneLabs April '15 Poll
- RuneLabs Hallowe'en Poll
- RuneLabs, High Level mobs
- Future of RuneLabs
- RuneLabs: July Update
- Highlight of the Year
- Diamond
- New Construction Room
- High-level fish
- Skillcape Rework: Poll 2!
- Group bossing for Ironman
- Opinion Poll: Update Size vs Frequency
- Ironman: Limited-time event rewards
- Ruby
- February Seasonal Hiscores
- Guthixian Butterflies for Ironman
- Elite Spawns
- Ironman: Limited-time event XP
Main article: Player Power/Past polls/2014
- Dragonstone
- Invention Skill vs The Elf City
- Legacy Combat Mode
- Combat Level Calculation
- Combat Boss vs Non-Combat Boss
- Future Quest
- New Website Feature
- Future Quest - The Follow-Up
- Next Distraction and Diversion
- Elder Quest
- Legacy Mode
- Which quest?
- 200th Quest - Which City?
- 200th Quest - Which Quests?
- Ironman Participation in Bonus Weekends/Events
- Vampyres vs Floor 61
- Diamond
- Drop Table Improvements
- Decide on a Spring Holiday Event
- Double XP or Double Drops
- Elf City Skill Focuses
- Holiday Items for Loyalty Points?
- Player Suggestion Poll
- Elf City - Poll 2
- Ninja Focus
- Elf City - Poll 3
- Halloween 2014: What happens next?
- Crystal Flasks
- What Happens Next #2
- Seren Spells and Prayers
- Halloween 2014: What happens next? #3
- Impling Boost
- Halloween 2014
- Skill Update
- Survey - Game News Source
- Survey - Quest Difficulty
- Free SGS Item for Members in July
- Boss Slayer Reward
- Skillcape graphical rework
- First New Adventurer's Log Feature
- Add Buff Timers to Legacy?
- Halloween Event - JMod Powers!
- Christmas Event
- What's New For Ports?
- Skills for Ports
- Zamorak Heist - Team Members
- December Seasonal Hiscores
- Monster Aggression
- Reaction survey - Guthixian Caches
- Highlight of the Year?
- Ruby
- Decide on Maps for a New Minigame
- Which New Dragon Would You Like?
- Should We Reduce the Number of Worlds?
- Ultimate Combat Abilities
- Choose Yelps's Fate
- Divination Familiar
- Marimbo vs Brassica Prime Event - Rewards
- Quick Inventory
- Barbarian Assault Boss
- Master Skillcapes
- Crystal Singing Instrument
- Elf Quest Rewards
- Elf City Slayer
- Survey - Upcoming Updates Information
- Seasonal Hiscores
- Task Set Rewards
- Minimap Icons
- Survey - Lore Books
- Boss Slayer: task-giving NPC
- Third-Age Armour Rework
- Survey - Elf Design Documents
- Seasonal Hiscores
- Next Drop Table Rework
- Reaction survey - Barbarian Assault Redux
- Reaction survey - Grouping System
- Reaction survey - Expert Skillcapes
- Reaction survey - Rune Value Improvements
- Reaction survey - Elf City Batch 1
- Reaction survey - Balthazar's Big Raffle
- Reaction survey - Smarter Familiars
- Reaction survey - Beast & Ghost Drop Tables
- Reaction survey - Ironman & Hardcore Mode
- Reaction survey - Broken Home
- Reaction survey - Death's Door
- Reaction survey - Elf City Batch 2
- Reaction survey - Treasure Trails update
- Reaction survey - Heart of Stone
- Reaction survey - Player Examine
- Reaction survey - Dominion Tower improvements
- Most anticipated updates of 2015
Polls | Past polls (2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014) |