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These were the Player Power polls for 2014.


Invention Skill vs The Elf City[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon Which of these two huge updates should we create first?
Choices Percentage
Invention Skill 45%
The Elf City 55%

Legacy Combat Mode[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon Unknown Do you want us to develop a 'Legacy Mode,' which would bring back most of the old combat gameplay and interfaces, alongside Evolution of Combat. You'd test this in beta until you were happy for release.
Choices Percentage
Yes - work on Legacy Mode 81%
No thanks 19%

Combat Level Calculation[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon Unknown The combat level calculation is being reconsidered. What would you like to be used as the basis for an updated formula? Later polls will decide any further changes to the formula.
Choices Percentage
138 level calculation 75%
200 level calculation 25%

Combat Boss vs Non-Combat Boss[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon From the forums and fan sites, it's clear that you want more boss encounters in the game. The question is, what kind of boss encounter do you want us to release next?
Choices Percentage
Combat boss 57%
Non-Combat boss 32%
Don't work on a boss 11%

Future Quest[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon Have your say in the theme of a quest coming out later this year. Check the full description for what we'll poll you should your choice win.
Choices Percentage
Sixth-Age Quest 50%
Next in a Series 19%
Standalone Quest 19%
No Quest 11%

New Website Feature[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon Unknown The RuneScape website team have some great ideas for new features on, but we don't know which one to make first! Which one would you like to see?
Choices Percentage
Adventurer's Log 50%
Country Hiscores 19%
Mobile Forums 8%
Live Stream Hub 8%
Something else 14%

Future Quest - The Follow-Up[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon In March, you decided that our October quest should have a '6th Age' theme. Now, we would like you to choose what that quest should be.
Choices Percentage
Sir Owen 14%
Aviansie 11%
Tuska 7%
Elder Gods 47%
Dragonkin 21%

Next Distraction and Diversion[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon Distractions and Diversions are great for breaking up skilling and offering additional rewards. We've got loads of ideas for future small D&Ds (of similar size to the Evil Tree activity), but which skill should we make one for next?
Choices Percentage
Farming 24%
Fishing 31%
Herblore 22%
Crafting 16%
I don't mind 7%

Elder Quest[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon In a previous poll, you decided that a 2014 quest would feature the Elder Gods. But which Elder God should be the focus of that quest? Mah and Jas will feature in other planned content.
Choices Percentage
Bik and the Oceans 21%
Ful and the TzHaar 17%
Wen and the Dwarves 7%
Researching the Elder Gods 37%
Don't Mind/Not Interested 18%

Legacy Mode[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon Unknown Legacy Mode is an optional way to play the modern game, with a traditional look and the old-style combat. Once the remaining issues have been fixed in beta, should it be added to the main game?
Choices Percentage
Yes, add Legacy Mode 80%
No, don't add it 20%

Which quest?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon Our developers have some awesome ideas for quests, based on conversations with the community. Which one should we start developing? This will not affect delivery of poll winners such as the quest to research the Elder Gods.
Choices Percentage
Elemental Workshop V 12%
Pirate Quest 15%
Spellcrafting Quest 28%
Zamorak's Heist 30%
I don't mind 15%

200th Quest - Which City?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon The 200th quest takes place in an alternate dimension, where you will re-visit a well-known city and complete twisted versions of your favourite quests. But which area would you like to be the focus of the quest? (Note that the city will not be reworked as part of this quest.)
Choices Percentage
Al Kharid 6%
Ardougne 9%
Falador 14%
Lumbridge 18%
Varrock 38%
I don't mind 15%

200th Quest - Which Quests?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon The 200th quest will take place in an alternate dimension, where you will complete twisted versions of four Varrock quests. Demon Slayer and Defender of Varrock are guaranteed. Which quest would you most like to be featured? (Top two options will be selected)
Choices Percentage
A Soul's Bane 12%
Family Crest 13%
Garden of Tranquility 9%
Gertrude's Cat 20%
Shield of Arrav 17%
What Lies Below 9%
I don't mind 21%

Ironman Participation in Bonus Weekends/Events[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon Ironmen only Should Ironman and Hardcore Ironman accounts be able to gain from double xp and other bonus weekend events like regular accounts do in the future? Only Ironman accounts can vote on this poll.
Choices Percentage
Yes they should 47%
No they should not 49%
I don't mind 4%

Vampyres vs Floor 61[]

Tier Eligible Question
Dragonstone poll icon P2P icon Late next year, we plan to release a 5th Age continuation quest. We want you to choose your favourite! Would you like a new vampyre quest, or Floor 61 of Daemonheim? More information on each quest can be found in the Poll forum.
Choices Percentage
Vampyre quest 60%
Floor 61 quest 40%


Drop Table Improvements[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown Which group of creatures deserve to have their drop tables improved first?
Choices Percentage
Beasts 19%
Demons 58%
Elementals 11%
Ghosts 7%
I don't want any of the above 7%

Decide on a Spring Holiday Event[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown For the spring event this year, would you prefer an Easter-themed holiday event, featuring traditional Easter themes and characters, or a comedic holiday event that pits two of our gods against each other: Brassica Prime and Marimbo?
Choices Percentage
Traditional Easter event 35%
Brassica Prime and Marimbo 65%

Double XP or Double Drops[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown February 21st-23rd is the first ever Gameblast, where gamers will play for up to 24 hours to raise money for charity! To celebrate, (and encourage fundraising) should we offer a double XP weekend or double drop weekend?
Choices Percentage
Double XP Weekend 79%
Double Drops Weekend 17%
I don't want either. 4%

Elf City Skill Focuses[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown The Elf City will host eight elf clans, and each clan will offer high-level skill training in two different skills. We would like you to decide a clan's two skills. Note - The top TWO skills will be chosen for this elf clan.
Choices Percentage
Cooking 5%
Firemaking 4%
Fishing 22%
Mining 28%
Smithing 40%

Holiday Items for Loyalty Points?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown Should we make untradeable rewards from old holiday events available in Solomon's Store for Loyalty Points? Tradeable items (such as party hats) are not included in this poll.
Choices Percentage
Yes 59%
No 41%

Player Suggestion Poll[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown Time to vote on ideas submitted by you! Which of these ideas, gathered from the Suggestions/Poll Suggestions and Feedback threads, would you like to see in-game next? The players who suggested an idea are listed after each option.
Choices Percentage
High-level Fish 19%
Guild Additions 15%
New God Emissaries 10%
Clue Scroll Rewards 51%
None of the above 6%

Elf City - Poll 2[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown One more elf clan is ready to be determined by you! Which skill would you like to train when the Elf City is released? This will include new skill training methods. Note - The top TWO skills will be chosen for this elf clan.
Choices Percentage
Agility 45%
Fletching 6%
Hunter 12%
Prayer 27%
Thieving 9%

Ninja Focus[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown The Ninja Team - expert improvers of existing content - are looking for an area of the game to freshen up. Which of the following areas would you like them to focus on next?
Choices Percentage
Challenge additions 18%
Jewellery overhaul 29%
Dungeoneering rewards 43%
Something else 11%

Elf City - Poll 3[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown The final elf clan is up for vote. Which skill would you like to train when the Elf City is released? This will include new skill training methods. Note - The top TWO skills will be chosen for this elf clan.
Choices Percentage
Constitution 8%
Defence 6%
Dungeoneering 25%
Herblore 43%
Runecrafting 18%

Halloween 2014: What happens next?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown You reach the Spider Queen after traversing a tricky web Agility course. As she begins to explain her plight, SOMETHING begins to attack the Spider Realm causing all the spiders to ready themselves for battle. Who is attacking?
Choices Percentage
Jellyfish 15%
Void Pests 30%
Ladybugs 23%
Furniture 13%
Snakes 18%

Crystal Flasks[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown The Elf City will allow you to construct crystal flasks, using crystal-flecked sandstone. What benefit should the crystal flasks have?
Choices Percentage
Combine two potions 48%
Eight doses 23%
Modified potions 20%
No crystal flasks 5%
I don't mind 4%

What Happens Next #2[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown The Spider Realm is overrun. The Void Pests are destroying the spider defences and advancing on the queen. The Void Pest gives a rousing speech to his/her troops. The topic is...
Choices Percentage
Leg jealousy 17%
Spiders are creepy 29%
By accident 16%
Cobweb allergy 16%
None of the above. 22%

Seren Spells and Prayers[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown In an upcoming elf update, we plan to release some new non-combat spells and prayers associated with Seren. Which spellbook and prayer book should contain these additions?
Choices Percentage
Normal 35%
Ancients and Curses 54%
Don't Make Any 4%
I Don't Care 7%

Halloween 2014: What happens next? #3[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown As the invasion peters out, the Void Pests have been developing a new weapon to combat the spiders. You stumble across their plans and they are...
Choices Percentage
Vacuum Cleaner 37%
Drinking glasses 9%
Lawyers 21%
Magnifying glass 22%
Newspapers 12%

Impling Boost[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown We plan to introduce an impling collector, who will reward you for collecting one of each impling on Gielinor. When you have done so, he will offer a permanent boost to impling catching. What should that boost be?
Choices Percentage
Double Drops 38%
Double XP 54%
I Don't Mind 8%

Halloween 2014[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown Feedback on our recent Halloween polls hasn't been as positive as we had hoped. We want to give you an event you'll enjoy; would you like us to continue with the 'Spiders vs Void Pests' event, or think of something else?
Choices Percentage
No, do something else 64%
Yes, please continue 36%

Skill Update[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown We'd like to bring you a non-combat update later this year taken from your suggestions, but which should it be? If voting is close, the two top options from this poll will face off in a final decider.
Choices Percentage
Make runes valuable 41%
Skilling Boss 23%
Construction update 22%
Minigame Spotlight 14%

Survey - Game News Source[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown To help us shape how we provide news to the community, we'd like to know where you prefer to get your RuneScape news.
Choices Percentage
RuneScape website 59%
Official forums 2%
Fan sites 3%
Social media 3%
In game 27%
Videos and live streams 5%
I just log in 0%

Survey - Quest Difficulty[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown When we determine the difficulty level of a quest, what aspect should influence that decision most? This will help us to determine how we categorise existing quests.
Choices Percentage
Combat difficulty 22%
Degree of guidance 5%
Puzzle difficulty 9%
Quest length 9%
Skill and quest requirements 41%
Story significance 14%
I'm not interested 0%

Free SGS Item for Members in July[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon P2P icon Each month, Solomon makes one of the items in his General Store free to RS members. Which item would you most like to get in July?
Choices Percentage
The Professor 15%
Masterwork music box 21%
Fox Outfit 33%
Headbutt Mining 31%

Boss Slayer Reward[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon P2P icon We are planning to introduce Slayer-like tasks for boss killing, separate to normal Slayer. What title reward would you like to receive for killing each of the bosses included at least once?
Choices Percentage
The Boss 30%
Executioner 19%
The Death Bringer 16%
The Reaper 36%

Skillcape graphical rework[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon P2P icon Skillcapes are iconic rewards for those who gain 99 in a skill. Many of you have asked for them to be graphically updated. Would you like this to happen?
Choices Percentage
Yes please 85%
No thanks 15%

First New Adventurer's Log Feature[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown The Web team are hard at work on the new Adventurer's Log. While we are laying the foundations, we need to know what big new feature to add first.
Choices Percentage
Skill milestones 40%
Quest comparison 8%
Skill history 52%

Add Buff Timers to Legacy?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown Would you like us to add buff icons and timers to Legacy? This would be a small task and we would provide mock ups so that you can have your say on where it fits in with the rest of the interface.
Choices Percentage
I don't mind 39%
Yes, add them 48%
No, don't add them 13%

Halloween Event - JMod Powers![]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown As a part of this year's Halloween event, we're giving JMods various special powers to spice up the fun. Which of the following powers would you most like JMods to have?
Choices Percentage
Group emote 14%
Spawn Zabeth Corvid 7%
Turn people to ghosts 48%
Ghost on screen 10%
I don't mind 22%

Christmas Event[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown In addition to our usual Christmas update, we also have time to do some more festive events across the month. Ideally we'd aim to do as much as possible but to help us prioritise, vote on the option below you'd most like to see in game.
Choices Percentage
I don't mind 10%
Ice Skating 17%
Snowman Boss 56%
Safe PvP Game 18%

What's New For Ports?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon P2P icon At the start of next year, we plan to add to the Player-owned Ports. What would you like the main focus of that update to be? There is more information on each option on the Poll Forums.
Choices Percentage
Pirate-owned Ports 13%
Keep expanding! 26%
Dive, Dive, Dive! 18%
Unleash the Krakens! 15%
I don't play Ports 21%
I don't mind 7%

Skills for Ports[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon P2P icon You told us you wanted the next Ports update to 'Keep Expanding'. Which three level 90 skills should be required to access their adventurers and the ports itself? Dungeoneering would also require level 90. This would not affect the rewards. Top three answers win.
Choices Percentage
Agility 15%
Crafting 5%
Divination 11%
Dungeoneering 13%
Farming 9%
Firemaking 6%
Fletching 4%
Mining 3%
Smithing 3%
Summoning 7%
Woodcutting 5%
I don't play Ports 13%
I don't mind 5%

Zamorak Heist - Team Members[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon P2P icon Zamorak is assembling a team to steal the Stone of Jas from Sliske's grasp. His most loyal Mahjarrat form the core, but which of his other followers do you want in the squad?
Choices Percentage
Lord Daquarius 7%
Movario 3%
Nomad 40%
Lord Malak 7%
Scorpius 6%
Surok Magis 6%
Moldark 2%
General Khazard 9%
I don't mind 19%

December Seasonal Hiscores[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon P2P icon Which of the following seasonal hiscores would you like to see next? We will poll more seasonal hiscores (as well as some options which didn't win) in future polls.
Choices Percentage
Damage migitated 10%
Deaths 17%
Clue scrolls 23%
Urns teleported 5%
Solo dungeon floors 15%
I don't mind 29%

Monster Aggression[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown Should we make some monsters aggressive again? These monsters would hunt players as if they were in single way combat. These include some dragons, giants and demons. For a full list of NPCs, check the forum thread for this poll.
Choices Percentage
Make aggressive 46%
Leave as is 45%
I don't mind 10%

Reaction survey - Guthixian Caches[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Guthixian Caches.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 24%
It was okay 9%
I didn't like it 3%
Want to play, but haven't 47%
Want to play, but can't 5%
I don't want to play it 12%

Highlight of the Year?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Diamond poll icon Unknown What has been your RuneScape highlight of the year for 2014?
Choices Percentage
Player Power Polls 15%
Treasure Hunter 11%
Gameblast 24hr Live Stream 1%
Fate of the Gods 12%
Brassica Prime vs Marimbo 1%
Shadow Over Ashdale 1%
Legacy Mode 20%
The Mighty Fall 0%
Araxxor 2%
Boss Slayer 2%
Plague's End 1%
The Elf City 24%
Character Name Cleanup 1%
RuneFest 0%
Rune Value Improvements 0%
Ironman Mode 3%
Broken Home 0%
Ninja Fixes 3%
Christmas Cheer 1%
Other - Tell us! 1%


Decide on Maps for a New Minigame[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown A top-secret minigame - due for release in February - will allow you to play on maps themed after in-game locations, such as Darkmeyer, Al Kharid and Falador. These are all instanced, so are not on the main game world. Which other map theme would you like to be added to this minigame?
Choices Percentage
Ashdale 12%
Canifis 28%
Isafdar 20%
Wilderness 18%
Zanaris 18%
I don't want any of the above 4%

Which New Dragon Would You Like?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown Upcoming content will unlock a new dragon for you to fight. What kind of dragon would you want introduced? The new dragon will be of the same level, regardless of the option you choose.
Choices Percentage
Alchemical dragon 21%
Celestial dragon 39%
Gemstone dragon 10%
Gold dragon 25%
I don't want any of the above. 5%

Should We Reduce the Number of Worlds?[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown Would you prefer to reduce the number of game worlds to choose from when playing RuneScape, or would you prefer to keep them as they are? We are proposing to remove 26 worlds out of 121 total.
Choices Percentage
Reduce the number of worlds 36%
Keep them as they are 64%

Ultimate Combat Abilities[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown We will be adding one or more high-level ultimate abilities with a Zarosian flavour. Where should any such abilities' effects be focused?
Choices Percentage
Damage Dealing 54%
Health Sacrifice 7%
Group Abilities 12%
Health Regeneration 21%
Other 6%

Choose Yelps's Fate[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown Squeal of Fortune and Yelps have been replaced. What would you like Yelps's fate to be?
Choices Percentage
Never seen again 8%
I want to kill him! 42%
Circus target wheel 16%
Retires gracefully 21%
No preference 12%

Divination Familiar[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown We're planning to introduce a high-level familiar that ties into the Divination skill. Choose your favourite from the list below. We will ensure that each option is balanced to be as rewarding as the others would be.
Choices Percentage
Divination Chronicler 14%
Divination Forager 19%
Divination Booster 19%
Divine Beast of Burden 40%
None of the Above 8%

Marimbo vs Brassica Prime Event - Rewards[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown You have voted for a holiday event this April in which the minor gods Brassica Prime and Marimbo totally fail to understand how a 'duel to the death' works. What should those rewards be for your participation in the event?
Choices Percentage
Seed Recycler 20%
Herb Bag 9%
Overflow Vial 6%
Slayer VIP Ticket 47%
Farming Accelerator 19%

Quick Inventory[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown Following feedback and collected data, the Quick Inventory slots don't seem to be very popular. What would you like us to do with it?
Choices Percentage
Keep them 8%
Improve them 40%
Quick Heal instead 33%
Remove them 19%

Barbarian Assault Boss[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown At RuneFest we asked attendees to pitch ideas for game content and the winner was a Barbarian Assault rework. It was requested that we add a new boss to work alongside the Penance Queen. What should the boss's weakness be?
Choices Percentage
Weapon of power 51%
Trap of doom 9%
Golem Horde 17%
Projectile of death 12%
Something else 12%

Master Skillcapes[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown 200M can be earned in any skill, but only the Dungeoneering master cape recognises efforts past 99. We want to know if you want cosmetic capes for an equivalent of level 120. This would not increase a skill's max level.
Choices Percentage
Master Skillcapes 63%
No More Skillcapes 24%
I Don't Care 13%

Crystal Singing Instrument[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown Crystal singing will be released with the launch of the Elf City. This is a form of item creation that will use a musical instrument in a similar manner to an anvil. What musical instrument should be used?
Choices Percentage
Didgeridoo 19%
Harp 33%
Organ 5%
Crystal xylophone 17%
Another instrument 4%
New instrument 23%

Elf Quest Rewards[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown The biggest reward from the Elf Quest will be access to the city itself. But which item would you like to gain as a quest reward? Note that through additional effort and training, you will be able to gain ALL of these items in the Elf City.
Choices Percentage
Crystal halberd 21%
Crystal magic staff 31%
Crystal thrown weapons 7%
A different reward 40%

Elf City Slayer[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown Which of the following slayer updates would you like included with the Elf City?
Choices Percentage
Preferred Slayer Tasks 44%
Slayer Helm Unlocks 27%
Instanced Dungeon 17%
None of these 5%
I don't mind 6%

Survey - Upcoming Updates Information[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown How much information do you like to have about upcoming updates? Once you've voted for your preferred option, feel free to join the discussion about this on the poll forum.
Choices Percentage
Detailed Schedule 51%
General Knowledge 17%
Update Day Info 4%
A Mix 18%
Mystery Updates 11%

Seasonal Hiscores[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown Which of the following seasonal hiscores would you like to see next? We will poll more seasonal hiscores (as well as some options which didn't win) in future polls.
Choices Percentage
Wilderness agility laps 25%
CW Flags captured 16%
Soul Wars wins 15%
Undead killed 45%

Task Set Rewards[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown After the launch of the Elf City, we plan to release an Elf City task set. This will include a task set reward, but what benefits should the item give you? The top 3 will be included in the final release.
Choices Percentage
Bountiful fruit trees 9%
Cheaper crystal recharge 6%
Dark beast buffs 18%
Elf land teleports 31%
Hunter success improvements 13%
More crystal charges 5%
Trap Immunity 12%
Turn to crystal 7%

Minimap Icons[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon F2P icon Would you like us to revert the minimap icons back to the way they were earlier this year or are you happy with the current versions?
Choices Percentage
Yes, revert them 69%
No, they're good 31%

Survey - Lore Books[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon F2P icon How do you feel about lore books? (Book objects in game that contain backstory about the world and its characters.)
Choices Percentage
I love them! 23%
They're okay 20%
Collect, don't read 19%
Not interested 33%
I hate them! 5%

Boss Slayer: task-giving NPC[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are planning to introduce Slayer-like tasks for boss killing, separate to normal Slayer. Which NPC would you like to be the point of contact for this feature?
Choices Percentage
The Raptor 28%
Death 37%
Ajjat 3%
A new NPC 23%

Third-Age Armour Rework[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon The Ninja Team has received many suggestions to update the Third-Age armour sets, but we feel that many players may be attached to the existing look. Would you like this equipment to receive a graphical rework?
Choices Percentage
Yes, graphically rework it. 63%
No, do not change it! 37%

Survey - Elf Design Documents[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon The Elf City design documents were released so that you could give us feedback. The whole process took time and resources away from the game update, but we believe it improved its quality. With that in mind, should we do this on occasion in the future?
Choices Percentage
Yes, release more 55%
No, don't release them 11%
I don't mind 34%

Seasonal Hiscores[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown Which of the following seasonal hiscores would you like to see next? We will poll more seasonal hiscores (as well as some options which didn't win) in future polls.
Choices Percentage
Potatoes picked 20%
Runite ore mined 14%
Herbs grown 33%
Wilderness agility laps 13%
Pest control games 20%

Next Drop Table Rework[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon Earlier this year you voted for a drop tables rework for demons, which we delivered. We will also be updating beasts and ghosts in the near future. Which set of drop tables should we look at after that?
Choices Percentage
Elementals 38%
Undead/death creatures 21%
Giant creatures 23%
Humanoids 18%

Reaction survey - Barbarian Assault Redux[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Barbarian Assault Redux.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 8%
It was okay 6%
I didn't like it 3%
Want to play, but haven't 55%
I don't want to play it 28%

Reaction survey - Grouping System[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Grouping System.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 12%
It was okay 10%
I didn't like it 6%
Want to play, but haven't 52%
I don't want to play it 20%

Reaction survey - Expert Skillcapes[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Expert Skillcapes.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 24%
It was okay 18%
I didn't like it 12%
Want to play, but haven't 38%
I don't want to play it 8%

Reaction survey - Rune Value Improvements[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Rune Value Improvements.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 23%
It was okay 15%
I didn't like it 6%
Want to play, but haven't 38%
Want to play, but can't 3%
I don't want to play it 14%

Reaction survey - Elf City Batch 1[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Elf City Batch 1.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 36%
It was okay 6%
I didn't like it 2%
Want to play, but haven't 19%
Want to play, but can't 35%
I don't want to play it 3%

Reaction survey - Balthazar's Big Raffle[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Balthazar's Big Raffle.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 51%
It was okay 24%
I didn't like it 10%
I didn't have time to play it 12%
I didn't want to play it 3%

Reaction survey - Smarter Familiars[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Smarter Familiars.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 30%
It was okay 11%
I didn't like it 2%
Want to play, but haven't yet 49%
I don't want to play it 8%

Reaction survey - Beast & Ghost Drop Tables[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Beast & Ghost Drop Tables
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 21%
It was okay 11%
I didn't like it 4%
Want to play, but haven't 51%
Want to play, but can't 5%
I don't want to play it 8%

Reaction survey - Ironman & Hardcore Mode[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Ironman & Hardcore Mode
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 27%
It was okay 5%
I didn't like it 2%
Want to play, but haven't 29%
I don't want to play it 37%

Reaction survey - Broken Home[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Broken Home
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 26%
It was okay 13%
I didn't like it 9%
Want to play, but haven't 38%
Want to play, but can't 3%
I don't want to play it 10%

Reaction survey - Death's Door[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Death's Door
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 34%
It was okay 24%
I didn't like it 11%
I didn't have time to play it 25%
I didn't want to play it 7%

Reaction survey - Elf City Batch 2[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Elf City Batch 2.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 41%
It was okay 8%
I didn't like it 2%
Want to play, but haven't 17%
Want to play, but can't 29%
I don't want to play it 3%

Reaction survey - Treasure Trails update[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Treasure Trails update.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 28%
It was okay 13%
I didn't like it 4%
Want to play, but haven't 45%
I don't want to play it 9%

Reaction survey - Heart of Stone[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Heart of Stone.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 14%
It was okay 10%
I didn't like it 6%
Want to play, but haven't 52%
Want to play, but can't 7%
I don't want to play it 12%

Reaction survey - Player Examine[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Player examine.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 55%
It was okay 17%
I didn't like it 4%
Want to use, but haven't 18%
I don't want to use it 7%

Reaction survey - Dominion Tower improvements[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon P2P icon We are committed to delivering high quality updates and therefore would like to get your feedback on one of our latest content releases - Dominion Tower improvements.
Choices Percentage
Great, I enjoyed it 11%
It was okay 4%
I didn't like it 3%
Want to play, but haven't 47%
Want to play, but can't 12%
I don't want to play it 23%

Most anticipated updates of 2015[]

Tier Eligible Question
Ruby poll icon Unknown What type of updates are you most looking forward to in 2015?
Choices Percentage
Combat updates 16%
Community events 2%
General game inprovements 14%
Player suggestions (RuneLabs) 4%
Quests 16%
Skill updates 46%
Solomon Store additions 1%
Treasure Hunter updates 2%