Polar kebbit fur is a reward for successfully tracking a Polar Kebbit and catching it with a noose wand, using the Hunter skill with a level 1. They can also be obtained in Nyriki's polar kebbit portal with a box trap, level 70 Hunter, and polar kebbit quota tickets. Polar Kebbit fur may be used to make polar camouflage gear by taking two furs and 20 coins per piece to the Fancy Dress Store in south-east Varrock. However, it cannot be used with needles and thread. It's relatively easy to obtain, and sells for 8,785 coins each on the Grand Exchange and is looted from Divine kebbit burrows.
It is the tertiary ingredient in infusing Arctic bear pouches.
Players may receive polar kebbit fur from opening a box of summoning ingredients, a possible reward from the Familiarisation Distraction and Diversion.
Money making[]
Profit | Skill requirements | Other requirements | Experience |
922,425 | 1 | None | 3,150 472 |
Drop sources[]
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Source | Combat level | Quantity | Rarity |
Falador resource bundle | N/A | 1 | Unknown |
Spirit impling | N/A | 1 | Unknown |
Disassembly XP | 0.1 |
Item quantity required | 1 |
Material count | 1 |
Base junk chance | 98.9% |
Possible materials | |
Often | |
Simple parts | 99% |
Rarely | |
Variable components | 1% |
Wild animal furs | Fur • Bear fur • Grey wolf fur |
Trapping Kebbit furs | Common kebbit fur • Polar kebbit fur • Feldip weasel fur • Desert devil fur |
Falconry Kebbit furs | Spotted kebbit fur • Dark kebbit fur • Dashing kebbit fur |
Pitfall furs | Larupia fur • Tatty larupia fur • Graahk fur • Tatty graahk fur • Kyatt fur • Tatty kyatt fur |