RuneScape Wiki
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Prayer Tutor was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.

Yauchomi chathead

The Prayer tutor (named Yauchomi) was a non-player character located in Lumbridge.

She taught the basics of the Prayer skill to players with lower Prayer levels, and advanced Prayer techniques to those with higher Prayer levels.

She gave out a range of jobs which include providing around 25 logs (ordinary, oak or willow), cowhides, leather gloves, leather boots, cooked bread, sardines, pizzas, cakes, or holy symbols, as well as burying bones in certain locations. The exact number of items requested by Yauchomi appeared to range between 22-28. She could be asked for an easier job unlike most tutors. However, players were paid more for tougher jobs. After completing six tasks within an hour of playing RuneScape, she would not have any jobs for the player nor would any other tutor or NPC. Players could simply play RuneScape for an additional 60 minutes and come back to her for more jobs.

After completing 15 jobs, she would thank the player and hand the player an antique lamp after turning in the supplies for the player's final 15th job. This would take the player at least 2 hours of gameplay. The antique lamp is worth 25% (skill level) experience of the player's choosing.

She was removed on 17 September 2009 with the Advisors and Objectives update.

See also[]


  • The book she held looked more like a Zamorakians' Unholy book than a Saradominists' Holy book, though the Knowledge Base lists her as Saradominist.
  • She accepted items for Jobs in item and note forms.
  • Her examine text originally was "Yauchomi prays to Saradomin." This was later updated to "Yauchomi, follower of Saradomin."
  • Even though she was removed from the game, a Prayer Tutor icon still exists on the minimap key.