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Premier Club logo

The Premier Club is an enhanced membership subscription available roughly during December–January, from 2012 onwards. Benefits include discounts from Solomon's General Store, and promotional pets and cosmetic items. The club comes in three tiers: Bronze, Silver and Gold. This can be bought with cash, or redeemed in game using 5, 10, and 20 bonds respectively.

Gold Premier Club members can access the Premier Club Vault once a month to gain some rewards, including experience lamps, stars, and skilling packs.

Premier Club 2020[]

Premier Club 2020 was released on 14 November 2019.[1]

Benefits Bronze Premier Club badge
Silver Premier Club badge
Gold Premier Club badge
RuneScape membership 3 months 6 months 12 months
Bonus Loyalty Points 20,000 50,000 150,000
Additional Daily Key on Treasure Hunter X mark Yes check Yes check
Premier Club reward token[n 1] X mark 1 3
50% Discount on RuneMetrics for 12 months X mark X mark Yes check
Premier artefact Yes check Yes check Yes check
Premier Club Vault X mark X mark Yes check
Bright Inquisitor Outfit Yes check Yes check Yes check
T-bone companion pet X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Premier Club World Access X mark X mark Yes check
Free boss instances (1 per week)[n 2] X mark X mark Yes check
6000 Oddments X mark X mark Yes check
Premier Club bank space (+50) X mark X mark Yes check
Extra LootScape roll X mark X mark Yes check
Access to Premier Pass event Yes check Yes check Yes check
Chat Badge in-game[n 3] X mark X mark Yes check
Access to Old School Premier Club Bronze Silver Gold
  1. ^ issued throughout the year
  2. ^ resets on Wednesday
  3. ^ VIP badge VIP Chat Badges are toggleable and have a separate chat version for Player Moderators (Player moderator VIP badge)

Premier Club 2019[]

Premier Club 2019 was released on 13 November 2018.[2]

Benefits Bronze Premier Club badge
Silver Premier Club badge
Gold Premier Club badge
RuneScape membership 3 months 6 months 12 months
Bonus Loyalty Points 20,000 50,000 150,000
Additional Daily Key on Treasure Hunter X mark Yes check Yes check
Premier artefact Yes check Yes check Yes check
Valkyrie Outfit X mark X mark Yes check
Premier Club Vault X mark X mark Yes check
50% Discount on RuneMetrics for 12 months X mark X mark Yes check

VIP badge VIP Chat Badges are toggleable and have a separate chat version for Player Moderators (Player moderator VIP badge).

Premier Club 2018[]

Premier Club 2018 was available from 24 November 2017 until the end of 4 February 2018.

Benefits Bronze Premier Club badge
Silver Premier Club badge
Gold Premier Club badge
RuneScape membership 3 months 6 months 12 months
Bonus Loyalty Points 20,000 50,000 150,000
Hellion Aura Yes check Yes check Yes check
Additional Daily Key on Treasure Hunter X mark Yes check Yes check
Hellion Outfit X mark X mark Yes check
Premier Club Vault X mark X mark Yes check
50% Discount on RuneMetrics for 12 months X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Premier Club World Access X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Premier Club Forum Access X mark X mark Yes check
Forum Badge* X mark X mark Yes check
Chat Badge in game* X mark X mark Yes check
Premier Club-Exclusive Q&As X mark X mark Yes check
Premier Club reward token X mark 1 3 (Across year)

Access to Old School Premier Club

Bronze Silver Gold
Access to 4 exclusive updates X mark X mark Yes check

* VIP badge VIP Chat Badges are toggleable and have a separate chat version for Player Moderators (Player moderator VIP badge).

Premier Club 2017[]

Premier Club 2017 was available from 28 November 2016 until the end of 5 February 2017.

Benefits Bronze Premier Club badge
Silver Premier Club badge
Gold Premier Club badge
RuneScape membership 3 months 6 months 12 months
Bonus Loyalty Points 20,000 50,000 150,000
Desert Pantheon Aura Yes check Yes check Yes check
Additional Daily Key on Treasure Hunter X mark Yes check Yes check
Menaphite Ancient Outfit X mark X mark Yes check
50% Discount on RuneMetrics for 12 months X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Premier Club World Access X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Premier Club Forum Access X mark X mark Yes check
Forum Badge* X mark X mark Yes check
Chat Badge in game* X mark X mark Yes check
Premier Club-Exclusive Q&As X mark X mark Yes check
All Pre-Paid Card Promotional items for 2017 X mark X mark Yes check

Access to Old School Members Content

Yes check Yes check Yes check

* VIP badge VIP Chat Badges are toggleable and have a separate chat version for Player Moderators (Player moderator VIP badge).

Premier Club 2016[]

Premier Club 2016 was available from 30 November 2015 until 1 February 2016.

Premier club (2015) popup

The popup for the 2015 club

Benefits Bronze Premier Club badge
Silver Premier Club badge
Gold Premier Club badge
RuneScape membership 3 months 6 months 12 months
Bonus Loyalty Points 20,000 50,000 150,000
Retro Teleport animation Yes check Yes check Yes check
Mahjarrat aura Yes check Yes check Yes check
Retro Dance emote X mark Yes check Yes check
Retro Joy emote X mark Yes check Yes check
Additional Daily Key on Treasure Hunter X mark Yes check Yes check
Retro Swords overrides X mark X mark Yes check
Postie Pete pet X mark X mark Yes check
Mahjarrat Outfit overrides X mark X mark Yes check
Monthly Draw to Win Unique Merchandise X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Premier Club World Access X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Premier Club Forum Access X mark X mark Yes check
In-Game Badge* X mark X mark Yes check
Forum Badge* X mark X mark Yes check
Premier Club-Exclusive Q&As X mark X mark Yes check
Pre-Paid Card Promotional Items - 2016 X mark X mark Yes check

* VIP badge VIP Chat Badges are toggleable and have a separate chat version for Player Moderators (Player moderator VIP badge).

Premier Club 2015[]

Premier Club 2015 was available from 1 December 2014 until 3 February 2015.

Benefits Bronze Premier Club badge
Silver Premier Club badge
Gold Premier Club badge
RuneScape membership 3 months 6 months 12 months
Bonus Loyalty Points 20,000 50,000 150,000
Lava hood override Yes check Yes check Yes check
Dwarven instinct aura Yes check Yes check Yes check
Additional Daily Key on Treasure Hunter X mark Yes check Yes check
Grey skin colour X mark Yes check Yes check
Onyx skin colour X mark X mark Yes check
Lava wings override X mark X mark Yes check
Lava hawk companion pet X mark X mark Yes check
VIP World Access (EN only) X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Chat Badge* X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Forum Badge* X mark X mark Yes check
Exclusive Q&As X mark X mark Yes check
**PayPal Exclusives Yes check Yes check Yes check

* VIP badge VIP Chat Badges are toggleable and have a separate chat version for Player Moderators (Player moderator VIP badge).
** PayPal Exclusives include:

*** Promotional Items include:

Premier Club 2014[]

Premier Club 2 banner

The website banner for Premier Club 2014

Premier Club was available from 3 December 2013 until 2 February 2014[3], and was the first deal buyable with bonds as well as conventional methods.

Benefits Bronze Premier Club badge
Silver Premier Club badge
Gold Premier Club badge
RuneScape membership 3 months 6 months 12 months
Bonus Loyalty Points 20,000 50,000 150,000
Piggles follower pet Yes check Yes check Yes check
Commander Porkins companion pet X mark Yes check Yes check
Additional daily spins/keys 0 1 1
VIP World Access (EN only) X mark X mark Yes check
Exclusive Q&As X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Chat Badge* X mark X mark Yes check
VIP Forum Badge* X mark X mark Yes check
2013/2014 **Promotional Items X mark X mark Yes check

* VIP badge VIP Chat Badges are toggleable and have a separate chat version for Player Moderators (Player moderator VIP badge).
** Promotional items include :

Premier Club 2013[]

Premier Club 2013 was available from 20 December 2012 to 4 February 2013.

Premier club popup

The popup for the 2013 club

Benefits Bronze Premier Club badge
Silver Premier Club badge
Gold Premier Club badge
RuneScape membership 3 months 6 months 12 months
Solomon's store discount 10% 10% 10%
Paladin outfit* Top, legs, gloves and boots Top, legs, gloves and boots Top, legs, gloves, boots, helmet, sword, off-hand sword and shield
Additional daily spins 0 1 1
2013 priority beta access X mark Yes check Yes check
RuneCoins X mark 500 2000
Cosmetic items** X mark X mark Yes check
Quarterly newsletter X mark X mark Yes check
Jagex HQ trip prize draw entry X mark X mark Yes check

* The Paladin outfit is obtained with the bronze and silver packages, while the Paladin Hero outfit is obtained with the gold package.

** Cosmetic items include :

On 22 October 2013, the following items were also made available:


Gold prices below are calculated based on the current price of Bonds, and may not reflect historical prices accurately.

Premier Club 2020[]

The cost of a Premier Club 2020 package will be slightly lower if the player has purchased access to the Premier Pass event before purchasing Premier Club. This discounted price applies to both traditional website purchases and in-game bond purchases of Premier Club.

Currency Bronze Silver Gold
USD $27.99 $49.99 $89.99
Bonds 5 10 20
GP 94,667,450 189,334,900 378,669,800

Premier Club 2019[]

Currency Bronze Silver Gold
USD $27.99 $49.99 $89.99
Bonds 5 10 20
GP 94,667,450 189,334,900 378,669,800

Premier Club 2018[]

Currency Bronze Silver Gold
USD $24.99 $44.99 $79.49
GBP £15.99 £27.99 £49.99
CAD $26.49 $46.49 $83.49
AUD $30.99 $53.99 $96.49
EUR €22.49 €39.49 €71.29
CHF Fr23.99 Fr41.99 Fr75.49
DKK 132,99 kr 233,99 kr 419,99 kr
INR ₹1,189.00 ₹2,049.00 ₹3,689.00
MXN $299.99 $519.99 $924.00
MYR RM79.99 RM140.99 RM249.99
NOK kr169.99 kr289.99 kr528.99
NZD $31.99 $55.99 $100.49
PLN 88.96 PLN 160.14 PLN 284.69 PLN
SEK 169,99 KR 294,99 KR 528,99 KR
SGD $31.99 $55.99 $99.99
BRL R$28.99 R$53.49 R$97.99
Axeso 25500 45000 80000
Bonds 5 10 20
GP 94,667,450 189,334,900 378,669,800

Premier Club 2017[]

Currency Bronze Silver Gold
USD $24.99 $44.99 $79.49
GBP £15.99 £27.99 £49.99
CAD $26.49 $46.49 $83.49
AUD $30.99 $53.99 $96.49
EUR €22.49 €39.49 €71.29
CHF Fr23.99 Fr41.99 Fr75.49
DKK kr132.99 kr233.99 kr419.99
INR ₹1,189.00 ₹2,049.00 ₹3,689.00
MXN $299.99 $519.99 $924.00
MYR RM79.99 RM140.99 RM249.99
NOK kr169.99 kr289.99 kr528.99
NZD $31.99 $55.99 $100.49
PLN zł72.99 zł128.99 zł234.99
SEK kr169.99 kr294.99 kr528.99
SGD $31.99 $55.99 $99.99
BRL R$28.99 R$53.49 R$97.99
Axeso 255.00 450.00 810.00
Bonds 5 10 20
GP 94,667,450 189,334,900 378,669,800

Premier Club 2016[]

Currency Bronze Silver Gold
AUD $35.49 $66.99 $129.99
CAD $30.49 $57.49 $112.99
EUR €25.99 €48.99 €94.99
DKK kr151.99 kr287.99 kr563.99
GBP £18.49 £34.49 £64.99
NOK kr193.99 kr356.99 kr710.99
NZD $36.49 $68.99 $134.99
SEK kr193.99 kr362.99 kr707.99
USD $28.99 $55.49 $107.99
Bonds 6 12 24
GP 113,600,940 227,201,880 454,403,760

Premier Club 2015[]

Currency Bronze Silver Gold
GBP £64.99
BRL $32.99 $66.49 $129.99
USD $107.99
CAD $27.50 $50.00 $112.99
AUD $129.99
EUR €94.99
SEK 707.99 kr
DKK 563.99 kr
NKK 710.99 kr
NZD $134.99
Bonds 6 12 24
GP 113,600,940 227,201,880 454,403,760

Premier Club 2014[]

Currency Bronze Silver Gold
GBP £14.50 £27.50 £52.50
BRL R$27.99 R$53.99 R$99.99
USD $23.50 $44.50 $86.50
CAD $23.50 $44.50 $85.99
AUD $27.99 $52.99 $102.50
EUR €20.50 €38.99 €74.99
Bonds 6 12 24
GP 113,600,940 227,201,880 454,403,760

Premier Club 2013[]

Currency Bronze Silver Gold
GBP £13.75 £24.95 £44.95
USD $21.95 $39.95 $74.95
CAD $21.95 $39.95 $74.95
AUD $26.25 $47.95 $88.95
EUR €19.25 €34.95 €64.95

Value analysis[]

Premier Club 2014[]

If you were to add up the items that can be purchased separately (Membership, Spins/Treasure Hunter keys, Loyalty points):

  • The Bronze premier club is worth $23.18USD + Cosmetics
  • The Silver premier club is worth $88.52USD (approx.) + Cosmetics & other benefits
  • The Gold premier club is worth $180.12USD (approx.) + Cosmetics & other benefits

1 RuneCoin is worth roughly 387 loyalty points. The value of Membership & SOF spins remained the same but the value from RuneCoins to Loyalty points has reduced.

Jagex valued the Bloodpouncer pet as $35USD. This has not been included in the calculation.

Premier Club 2013[]

If you were to add up the items that can be purchased separately (Membership, Spins & RuneCoins):

  • The Bronze premier club is worth $21.95USD + Cosmetics
  • The Silver premier club is worth $97.35USD (approx.) + Cosmetics & other benefits
  • The Gold premier club is worth $212.60USD (approx.) + Cosmetics & other benefits


Some controversies arose when the premier club was announced:

  • According to some players, they would have to pay more money for membership once the premier club membership time ran out, even if they were paying less before (grandfathered in before Jagex increased the price from $5.00 USD to $5.95 USD). This angered many players who were paying only $5.00 a month, since they thought they would be paying the lower price once their premier club ran out. In the Premier Club FAQ thread on the forums Jagex has clarified that the price you pay will not change, you will be able to continue with the same subscription price after the 3, 6 or 12 months.
  • For the players who bought Gold premier club, the vanity items were not added if they already had some or all of the items. Some players viewed this as a waste of money, and voiced concern that the recently-released Bloodpouncer pet should have been added as well. This appears to be rectified as of 22 October 2013.
  • Jagex had said that the vanity items would disappear forever, making them rare items and only obtainable from Gold membership. However a couple of months later Jagex released some of the vanity items on the Solomon General store; players who used a keepsake key on a Flaming Skull were not refunded which led to some negative feedback threads about the Gold premier club on the RuneScape Forums.


  1. ^ Jagex. "Premier Club Returns!." 14 November 2019. RuneScape News.
  2. ^ Jagex. "Premier Club 2019." 13 November 2018. RuneScape News.
  3. ^