RuneScape Wiki

Prismatic huge fallen star detail

A prismatic huge fallen star is a rare item that can be found on Treasure Hunter. It can be drained for bonus experience in any chosen skill.


Level Experience Level Experience Level Experience
1 598.8 34 4,954.8 67 21,782.4
2 734.4 35 5,596.8 68 22,838.4
3 739.2 36 5,846.4 69 23,712
4 816 37 6,096 70 24,889.2
5 895.2 38 6,355.2 71 25,851.6
6 998.4 39 6,638.4 72 26,968.8
7 1,180.8 40 6,916.8 73 28,286.4
8 1,219.2 41 7,219.2 74 29,588.4
9 1,370.4 42 7,531.2 75 30,850.8
10 1,473.6 43 7,852.8 76 32,059.2
11 1,632 44 8,193.6 77 33,552
12 1,804.8 45 8,539.2 78 35,007.6
13 1,974 46 8,918.4 79 36,405.6
14 2,198.4 47 9,316.8 80 38,208
15 2,419.2 48 9,720 81 39,993.6
16 2,511.6 49 10,128 82 41,736
17 2,630.4 50 10,569.6 83 43,408.8
18 2,736 51 11,022 84 45,716.4
19 2,860.8 52 11,520 85 47,216.4
20 2,976 53 11,995.2 86 49,435.2
21 3,115.2 54 12,523.2 87 51,603.6
22 3,235.2 55 13,075.2 88 53,686.8
23 3,379.2 56 13,651.2 89 56,856
24 3,528 57 14,255.5 90 58,766.4
25 3,685.2 58 14,841.6 91 61,934.4
26 3,830.4 59 15,518.4 92 63,499.2
27 3,997.2 60 16,168.8 93 66,513.6
28 3,974.4 61 16,872 94 69,464.4
29 4,348.8 62 17,620.8 95 72,312
30 4,540.8 63 18,348 96 77,419.2
31 4,735.2 64 19,243.2 97 80,136
32 4,934.4 65 20,236.8 98+ 82,578
33 5,145.6 66 20,846.4

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Large mystery box (Heart of Gielinor: Encampment)N/A1–2Always
Large mystery box (Invasion of Falador)N/A1–2Always
Small mystery box (Boat to the Arc)N/A1Common
Antique chestN/A1Rare
Big event mystery box (Mental Health Awareness Week)N/A1Rare
Big event mystery box (Rune Capers)N/A1Rare
Big event mystery box (Zodiac Festival)N/A1Rare
Claw-dia machine prize boxN/A1Rare
Event mystery box (Mental Health Awareness Week)N/A1Rare
Event mystery box (Rune Capers)N/A1Rare
Event mystery box (Zodiac Festival)N/A1Rare
Summer loot piñataN/A1Rare
Premier Club VaultN/A1Uncommon
Shiny four-leaf clover necklaceN/A1–2Uncommon
Shiny three-leaf clover necklaceN/A1–2Uncommon
Shiny two-leaf clover necklaceN/A1–2Uncommon
Sparkling four-leaf clover necklaceN/A1Uncommon
Sparkling three-leaf clover necklaceN/A1Uncommon
Sparkling two-leaf clover necklaceN/A1Uncommon
Dazzling four-leaf clover necklaceN/A1Unknown
Dazzling three-leaf clover necklaceN/A1Unknown
Dazzling two-leaf clover necklaceN/A1Unknown
Experience chestN/AunknownUnknown
Small mystery box (Build-A-Fayre)N/A1Unknown
Summer piñata loot bagN/A1Varies
Summer piñata loot bag (2018)N/A1Varies


  • If used on Vic the trader, he says: "You'll have to absorb the experience from that yourself, before trading it with me!".