RuneScape Wiki
"Puzzle casket" redirects here. For the master version, see Puzzle casket (master).

Puzzle casket (elite) detail

Puzzle casket (elite) is the reward from completing the final clue scroll of an elite clue scroll trail, and may be received in place of a normal reward casket (elite).

A Celtic knot or a puzzle box must be completed to open this casket, turning it into elite reward casket.


From all levels[]

Image Name
Coins 10000 2,500–50,000 coins
Biscuits 25 2–27 biscuits or purple sweets
Bandit Camp Teleport Lumber Yard Teleport Miscellania Teleport Pollnivneach Teleport Phoenix Lair Teleport Tai Bwo Wannai Teleport Various teleport scrolls
Saradomin page 1 Guthix page 1 Zamorak page 1 Armadyl page 1 Bandos page 1 Ancient page 1 1–3 god pages for god books
Purple firelighter Red firelighter Blue firelighter Green firelighter White firelighter Gnomish firelighters
Saradomin arrows 5 Guthix arrows 5 Zamorak arrows 5 20–100 Saradomin, Guthix, or Zamorak arrows
Meerkats pouchFetch casket scroll Noted meerkats pouches or fetch casket scrolls
Sealed clue scroll (master) Sealed clue scroll (master)

From elite clue scrolls[]
