All Life points: 2,200
Life points1: 2,200
All Life points: 2,400
Life points2: 2,400
All Life points: 2,250
Life points3: 2,250
All Life points: 6,600
Life points4: 6,600
All Slayer experience: 32.6
Slayer experience1: 32.6
All Slayer experience: 39.4
Slayer experience2: 39.4
All Slayer experience: 32.6
Slayer experience3: 32.6
All Slayer experience: 187.8
Slayer experience4: 187.8
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 125.7
Combat experience1: 125.7
All Combat experience: 151.8
Combat experience2: 151.8
All Combat experience: 132
Combat experience3: 132
All Combat experience: 542.2
Combat experience4: 542.2
All Release date: 26 January 2005
Release date1: 26 January 2005
All Release date: 26 January 2005
Release date2: 26 January 2005
All Release date: 10 February 2009
Release date3: 10 February 2009
All Release date: 28 August 2007
Release date4: 28 August 2007
All Combat level: 61
Combat level1: 61
All Combat level: 67
Combat level2: 67
All Combat level: 63
Combat level3: 63
All Combat level: 92
Combat level4: 92
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 16331634
NPC ID1: 16331634
All NPC ID: 16351636
NPC ID2: 16351636
All NPC ID: 8598
NPC ID3: 8598
All NPC ID: 6216
NPC ID4: 6216
Pyrefiends are Slayer monsters that require level 30 Slayer to kill and are not to be confused with a pyrelord - a Summoning familiar. They are the weaker elemental cousin of the waterfiend, but stronger than someicefiends except the ones at Ghorrock Fortress. Also, they have very similar drops to those of lesser demons and harpie bug swarms, and are notable for their relatively high drop rate for level 2 clue scrolls. The death animation of pyrefiends was greatly sped up as of 9 November2009 when they were removed from Ghorrock Fortress. Note several glitches occur when fighting pyrefiends such as drops showing up behind the player, combat taking place either in the same square as the player or with a one square gap between the player and the target while using melee attacks. However, these glitches do not affect the drops or combat.
Fremennik Slayer Dungeon (Fairy ring code AJR) (When entering the dungeon, there is a direct shortcut to them, that requires 81 Agility to jump across a chasm.)
Despite their level, they have higher accuracy than many other monsters of a similar level, so food is recommended for lower levelled players. It is also recommended that you either mage or range them, since they have moderate melee defence due to being mage monsters.
Pyrefiends are weak against bolts. Use of the Defence abilities work well, especially Resonance. It has been confirmed that killing pyrefiends in Soul Wars does in fact count towards the Slayer assignment's total kills. Note that you can not use a dwarf multicannon while killing pyrefiends in the Slayer Dungeon.