The pyro-matic is an enhanced Firemaking tool that can be researched in the Invention skill. Researching the ability to create this requires level 22 Invention. It contains 2 tool gizmo slots. Researching the ability to create pyro-matics also unlocks the ability to augment crystal tinderboxes using augmentors.[1]
Pyro-matics gain item experience at a rate of 6.5% of the base experience of normal Firemaking actions performed while wielding it. Protean logs and Superheat Form give half the tool experience to pyro-matics compared to skilling with regular materials.[2]
The Pyro-matic uses charges stored in the universal charge pack. When the charge pack runs out of charges, the item loses stats and gizmo effects, and can also no longer gain any equipment experience. Function will resume when the pack is recharged with divine charges.
Your current drain rate for a tier 70 skilling tool is given by the following table. It depends on your current reduction researched, the item level, and Efficient/Enhanced Efficient perk presence.