Quest items are generally items used, made, or obtained only during quests. These include:
- Items that are used only in the quest, but not anywhere else, like the Red cog from the Clock Tower
- Rewards from quests, like Iban's staff from the Underground Pass
- Items that may be kept after the quest is complete, but only have a use during the quest, like the Stake from Vampyre Slayer
- Items that may be kept and used after the quest is complete, like the Dramen staff from the Lost City
Quest items do not include:
- Common items, even though they are required for quests, which can be obtained and used without starting or completing any quests, like Buckets and Crushed gems
- Items not used during quests, like the Security book
- Food, such as Lobsters
- Items that are unlocked by quests, but must be purchased, like Dragon longswords and Rune platebodies, or can only be obtained after the quest, but are not a direct reward for the quest, such as unique Temple Trekking items
Other examples of quest items[]
- Silverlight from Demon Slayer
- Kayle's chargebow from The Blood Pact
- Half certificate from Shield of Arrav
- Bearhead from Mountain Daughter