RuneScape Wiki
Queen help book
This is the quick guide for Quiet Before the Swarm.
For a more in-depth version, click here.


Start pointQuest map icon
Quiet Before the Swarm icon
Speak to Sir Tiffy in Falador Park
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyIntermediate Intermediate
Official lengthMedium to Long
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added.
  • None
Enemies to defeat
  • Torcher (level 45) with no food or prayer (out of body, you cannot die)
  • Shifter (level 60) with no food or prayer (out of body, you cannot die)


Knight Ami (Chat 4)
Knight Bernard (Chat 3)
Knight Diana (Chat 3)
Knight Mikhal (Chat 3)
Jessika (Chat 4)
Mariah (Chat 4)
Mrs Gord (Chat 3)
Squire Sam (Chat 1)
Terry Gord (Chat 3)

The accused[]

  • Talk to Captain Tyr.
  • Talk to Jessika about the crimes she has committed. (Chat 53)
  • Talk to Captain Tyr.
  • Talk to Commodore Matthias.
  • Agree during the cutscene. (Chat 1)

Inside Jessika's mind[]

  • Solve the 3x3 slider puzzle. The border helps you find their correct positions.
    • The centre piece will appear when you have placed the border pieces.

Arresting Jessika[]

  • Bank all your items, both equipped and in your inventory.
  • Return to Sir Tiffy. (Chat 1)

Bridge and the sword[]

  • Talk to Commander Korasi. (Chat 1)
  • Talk to the toll booth to start the puzzle. (Chat 2)
  • Complete the puzzle:
    • Talk to Bernard and cross with him. (Chat 1)
    • Talk to the toll booth to send yourself over. (Chat 11)
    • Talk to Ami or Diana and have them cross together. (Chat 2)
    • Talk to the toll booth to send Bernard over. (Chat 11)
    • Talk to Bernard and cross with him. (Chat 1)

Ship positions[]

  • Talk to the toll booth to begin the puzzle. (Chat 1)
  • Right-click assign the people to the following:
Name Ship position Thinking Saw
Ami Rigging (Chat 14) Sister (Chat 24) Shark (Chat 32)
Bernard Crow's nest (Chat 15) Lunch (Chat 21) Seaweed (Chat 34)
Diana Main deck (Chat 12) Fighting (Chat 25) Seagull (Chat 31)
Korasi Hold (Chat 11) Promotion (Chat 23) Pest (Chat 35)
Commodore Helm (Chat 13) Jessika (Chat 22) Clouds (Chat 33)
  • Completing the puzzle correctly triggers a cutscene.

The Pests' attack[]


Quiet before the Swarm reward
Music unlocked