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Ransom letter detail

A ransom letter is given to the player by Chuck at the beginning of the quest Some Like It Cold. It is a letter from The Walrus informing Chuck that he has captured a PBJ agent, named Teddy.


The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ransom letter.

To my most esteemed adversary,

Firstly, I hope this missive finds you mens sana in corpore sano. I myself have a bit of gout, but do not trouble yourself about me. I have plenty of subordinates to see to my health, though they are outrageously under qualified and easily distracted. But, no need to go into what I suffer.

You are no doubt fully informed of the interwining history of my people and yours. If you are not, your educational standards are not what they were and you should be mindful of the old phrase, ipsa scientia potestas est, for I hold vast knowledge and with it has come power. You will, I hope recall the Treaty of Barnaculas the Great which ordained that the Ursus Maritimus - you - would control land, and the Odobenus Rosmarus - I - would control the sea. My kind have proudly held up out end of the treaty.

It has come to my attention, through less than auspicious means, that one of your agents provocateurs dallied in our territory. His flagrant disregard for the treaty (clause A, section 37, line 104), stating that the territorial waters shall not be infiltrated without due cause and warning, has led to a precarious situation. De pilo pendet! Our peoples have maintained a delicate peace for generations.

I am willing to concede that, perhaps, this faux pas can be swept under the proverbial rug. I would expect a small compensation on your part, to smooth wrinkled skin. A small amendment of the treaty would suffice. If you are not willing to bend, then I am afraid your agent will suffer the consequences. Culpae poenae par esto!

Yours most sincerely,


Latin translations[]

Phrase Literal translation Dynamic equivalent
Mens sana in corpore sano Mind sound in body sound A sound mind in a sound body
Ipsa scientia potestas est Itself knowledge power is Knowledge itself is power
Ursus Maritimus Bear maritime Polar bear
Odobenus Rosmarus One which walks on the teeth

Horse of the sea

Atlantic walrus
De pilo pendet! By hair hangs It hangs by a hair! (or thread)
Culpae poenae par esto Crime punishment equal be Let the crime fit the punishment