All Life points: 50
Life points1: 50
All Life points: 50
Life points2: 50
All Life points: 10
Life points3: 10
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 24.9
Combat experience1: 24.9
All Combat experience: 24.9
Combat experience2: 24.9
All Combat experience: 12.4
Combat experience3: 12.4
All Release date: 4 January 2001
Release date1: 4 January 2001
All Release date: 4 July 2006
Release date2: 4 July 2006
All Release date: 28 November 2005
Release date3: 28 November 2005
All Combat level: 1
Combat level1: 1
All Combat level: 1
Combat level2: 1
All Combat level: N/A"N/A" is not a number.
Combat level3: N/A"N/A" is not a number.
All Is members only: false
Is members only1: false
All Is members only: false
Is members only2: false
All Is members only: true
Is members only3: true
All NPC ID: 47
NPC ID1: 47
All NPC ID: 2682
NPC ID2: 2682
All NPC ID: 3007
NPC ID3: 3007
Rats are small animals which can be found in numerous locations, mostly in cities, sewers and dungeons. They are best found outside and on the ground1st floor[UK] of Lumbridge Castle. Their tails are most commonly used for the completion of the Witch's Potionminiquest, and they are one of the weakest creatures in RuneScape. The only rats that drop bones are those in the Stronghold of Security. They are good for training on for new players as they have low life points and defence and respawn in only a few seconds, but they can be hard to click as they're small and move very fast.
Players who have a cat or a kitten can tell it to chase vermin, in which case it will try to attack any rat in range. If your cat catches at least 100 rats you can go to Gertrude to get a cat training medal (no special bonuses). Also, if you have a rat pole, a rat will be added to it each time a rat is caught by your cat.
The examine text is based on the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett, who goes into detail describing the ways dwarves eat rats.
There is a HiScores for rat kills, but only people who completed Sameul LeBaux's300 task miniquest (3,000 rat kills) are able to get ranked. 5,000 is the minimum to be ranked.