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Queen help book
This article has a quick guide found here.
Quick guides provide a brief summary of the steps needed for completion.


Start pointQuest map icon Inspect the Lumbridge Sage.
Member requirementP2P icon Members only
Official difficultyIntermediate Intermediate
Official lengthShort
RequirementsSkill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable.
  • Level 40 Cooking
Quest Quests:
Items requiredItems from the tool belt are not listed unless they do not work or are not automatically added. (All of these can be bought from the Culinaromancer's chest.)
Enemies to defeat
  • None

Starting out[]

Lumbridge Sage chathead

Inspect Phileas, the Lumbridge Sage, in the banquet hall in Lumbridge Castle. Gypsy Aris tells you to make a Cake of guidance. She suggests you talk with Traiborn in the Wizards' Tower for help with the cake. Your Cooking level will actually have to be 40, even though none of the tasks require it to be so. This may be because the Cooking level needed to bake a regular cake is 40.

If you do not already have them, go to the Culinaromancer's chest and buy an egg, a bucket of milk, a pot of flour, and a cake tin.

The quickest way to get to the Wizards' Tower is to use the Teleport option from the wicked hood.

Speak to Traiborn on the 2nd3rd floor[UK] of the Wizards' Tower, and ask about helping the Lumbridge Sage. He will tell you that you need to enchant all the ingredients for a normal cake: an egg, a bucket of milk, and some flour.

To enchant the egg[]

Please note that after you have enchanted the objects, you will only get them back as enchanted.

You must pass a short quiz to enchant the egg with knowledge. Traiborn will show you an NPC you've seen in one of the required quests for Recipe for Disaster and then ask you who he or she is. Answer correctly three times to get an Enchanted Egg.


Who's that?

Some of the people you may need to identify:

After correctly naming three people, repeat the words Traiborn says ("Dandolino Zadribrim"), and you will have an enchanted egg.

To enchant the milk[]

Traiborn will ask you general questions about RuneScape. Answer three correctly to get Enchanted Milk.

Some of the questions he may ask you are:

After correctly answering the three questions, repeat the words Traiborn says ("Skalindom Ralinaplo"), and you will have enchanted milk.

To enchant the flour[]

Traiborn will ask you to pass a memory test to enchant the flour with guidance. He will show you three sets of ten items, one set at a time. You then must answer a question about each set of items. For example, he may ask you how many types of runes were there. Answer the questions to get Enchanted Flour.

You are given as much time as you need to remember the ten items, so you could, in theory, just write them down or take a screenshot.

  • On Windows, the print screen function may be helpful. To use this function, press the Alt and PrtSc SysRq (print screen) keys down at the same time. This will take a screenshot of your screen, which you can just paste in a Microsoft Word or Paint document.
  • On macOS, open Preview, then select File > Take Screenshot > From Entire Screen. Also, Command+Shift+3 will take a screenshot of the entire screen and save it on the desktop.

There are a total of five different memory test pictures in which you will be quizzed from.

The questions he may ask you are displayed in the table below:

Picture Question Answer
Memorisation test 1 Which item began with the letter "m"? Mind Talisman
Memorisation test 2 How many weapons were you shown? 3
Memorisation test 3 Which items were amongst those you were shown?

Guthix prayer book,

Magic logs,


Memorisation test 4 Which of the following items were NOT shown to you? Trout
Memorisation test 5 How many types of runes were there? 2

After passing the test, repeat the words Traiborn says ("Splendidium romelno"), and you will have enchanted flour.

To bake the cake[]

Use all three ingredients on a cake tin to make a Raw guide cake. Cook it on a range (use the one in the kitchen in Lumbridge Castle; it is the closest) to get a Cake of guidance. The cake cannot be burned or eaten. Use the cake on the Lumbridge Sage at the banquet table to complete the quest.


Recipe for Disaster (Freeing the Lumbridge Sage) reward
Music unlocked

