The data in this table is based on the current Grand Exchange prices. It is accurate assuming the items are bought off of the Grand Exchange and the completed Red d'hide body is sold afterwards.
Material cost
Profit/xp (Bonus experience)
Tanning Red dragonhide
−11.99 (−5.99)
Buying Red dragonleather
−15.4 (−7.7)
At its average price, this item is one of the best for High-alc'ing. While the profit per piece is not the highest, coupled with its higher 4-hour purchase price of those that are, a player can profit approx. 2,332,800 in each 4-hour purchase window... more if they use their own crafted nature runes or charges from Explorer Ring 4.
Also due to the 5,000 buy limit, this allowed more casts that the singularly more profitable items and therefore significantly increases xp in the same 4-hour window.
Drop sources[]
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