Red dragonhide vambraces
3,600 coins
2,160 coins
1,440 coins
Vambraces made from 100% real dragonhide.
Red dragonhide vambraces are red dragonhide armour worn in the hand slot . Red dragonhide vambraces are available to member 's rangers and require 55 Defence to wear. They can also be created by members through the Crafting skill at level 73 from one piece of red dragonleather , granting 78 Crafting experience .
Kebbit claws can be used on these vambraces to make Red spiky vambraces which have a spikier appearance. Players will need level 32 Crafting to make any vambraces into spiked vambraces.
Creation [ ]
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Red dragonhide vambraces", "image": "[[File:Red dragonhide vambraces.png|link=Red dragonhide vambraces]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Red dragon leather", "quantity": "1", "image": "Red dragon leather.png" } ], "skill": "Crafting", "level": "73" } Red dragonhide vambraces- 78 XP - 1,508 Requirements Crafting level73 Members onlyYes Materials Item Quantity Price Total Red dragon leather 1 3,150 3,150
Drop sources [ ]
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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here .
Production costs [ ]
The data in this table are based on the current Grand Exchange prices. It is accurate assuming the items are bought from the Grand Exchange and the completed Red d'hide vambraces are sold afterwards.
Material cost
Profit/xp (Bonus experience)
Tanning Red dragonhide
−17.64 (−8.82)
Buying Red dragonleather
−21.05 (−10.53)
Disassembly [ ]
Defined properties:
All Junk chance: 39.5
Junk chance: 39.5
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