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Rei Ti is an island in The Hook region of the Wushanko Isles.  It is the northern most island in The Hook. A mining colony originally built to dig for black slate; it has become highly prosperous since discovering large quantities of high-quality gems. Land Sharks and Snapper Drakes are found here. The Sea around the isle is called the Burning Sea, due to the sunset turning the sea the colour of flames.


  • In Sink 'em you send a ship to sink an old armour-plated warship has been spotted north of Rei Ti.
  • In Troubled Waters you send a ship to navigate jagged rocks and strong tides to find a quicker route to Rei Ti.
  • In The black slate Golem you send a ship to free a group of miners who are being held captive by a black slate golem that emerged from their mine.
  • In A New Home you send a ship to help a group of Keldagrim dwarves establish a small colony on Rei Ti - they've heard of the veins of Black Slate that run through it.
  • In West Meets East you send a ship to protect a colony of Keldagrim dwarves from the local miners who resent their presence.
  • In The Land Shark you send a ship to fight a land shark has been spotted near a mining colony on Rei Ti, for fame and glory.
  • In Bounty Hunter the player sends a ship to either collect a bounty on a rogue soothsayer, rumoured to be summoning demons, and a local pirate lord by bringing them, one dead and one alive to the khan of Rei Ti.
  • In Studying Science the player sends a ship after learning the Biologist believes that there is important knowledge to be had at in the forests of Rei Ti by studying snapper drakes. Help the Biologist uncover their secrets.
  • In A Divine Lesson the player sends a ship when the Missionary believes that there's ample opportunity for practicing his calling at Rei Ti's grand plaza. There are unbelievers who need to hear the word of Saradomin.
  • In A Joint Effort the player sends a ship when the Assassin and Convict wish to hone their techniques at the markets of Rei Ti. There's plenty of opportunity to practice their craft and learn from each other.
  • In A Joint Effort the player sends a ship when the Trapper wishes to study the stealthy techniques of the Assassin. She has selected a target on Rei Ti.
  • In A Joint Effort the player sends a ship when the Chef wants to try and cook a snapper drake. The Biologist knows where they can be found on Rei Ti.
  • In A Joint Effort the player sends a ship to assist when the Missionary is heading out to speak at a recently built church of Saradomin on Rei Ti. The Architect is joining him to survey the site and ensure the structure is sturdy enough.
  • In A Joint Effort the player sends a ship when the Tengu and Convict wish to raid the khan of Rei Ti's palace to retrieve some stolen sky orphan artefacts.
  • In To Gain Through Death the player sends a ship when the Assassin has heard that a khan's advisor, on Rei Ti, has a vast supply of spice, help her 'take' it from him.
  • In A Joint Acquisition the player sends a ship when the Missionary and Occultist have felt a magical disturbance near Rei Ti's Burning Sea. This magical energy can be used to uncover a source of chi.
  • In The Forgotten Scrolls the player sends a ship when the Exile has tracked down a lost piece of a forgotten scroll to an abandoned Ken Ji mine on Rei Ti. Her spelunking skills will be needed to retrieve it.
  • In To Gain through Death the player sends a ship when the Assassin has heard that a corrupt Judge of the Dice, on Rei Ti, has a vast supply of black slate. Help her 'take' it from him.
  • In A Joint Acquisition the player sends a ship when the Missionary and Occultist have felt a magical disturbance near Rei Ti. This magical energy can be used to uncover a source of black slate.
  • In A Joint Acquisition the player sends a ship when the Architect and Missionary have located a stockpile of slate near Rei Ti. Help them collect some.
  • In A Joint Acquisition the player sends a ship when the Occultist has earned the affections of a tamed chimera on Rei Ti. She wants the Memory to transmute his gifts into black slate.


  • The name of the island and its description is a reference to the character Rarity, a pony from the animated show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Its association with high-quality gems adds to the allusion