Ren Bo is an island in The Scythe region of the Wushanko Isles. Swift currents, strong winds and a remarkably stable microclimate make the average temperature of this island lower than its neighbours. Rumours exist of Purist movement having made it their headquarters.
The Enchanted Ivory Forests are found here.
- In A Daring Raid the player sends a ship to raid a small fort on Ren Bo belonging to a group of Purists.
- In Scupper a Plot the player sends a ship to deliver a letter to the Sirens of Ren Bo, informing them of an incoming Purist genocide of their people on the island.
- In I Spy the player sends a ship to spy on a group of Purists on Ren Bo who are planning to attack a local seasinger family, and then deliver the gathered information to the island's Khan.
- In Sink 'em the player sends a ship to attack a ship full of Purists ordaining their newest member north of Ren Bo.
- In First Contact the player sends a ship to make contact with a lone sea orphan, from Ren Bo, who can inform the player of Purist movements in the area.
- In To the Rescue the player sends a ship to intercede in a fight between Purist thugs and a lone sea orphan in southern-most Ren Bo.
- In Escort Duty the player sends a ship to provide escort for a group of sea orphans, who are being persecuted by Purists, on their way to southern Ren Bo.
- In The Cure the player sends a ship to fund a cure for a plague that has recently spread to the people of Haranu. The player is told they can find a cure by speaking with the sage in the Enchanted Ivory Forests of Ren Bo.
- In A Ritual the player sends a ship to help the soothsayers of Ren Bo perform a powerful Ritual of Light to gain some chi.
- In A Voyage of Discovery the player sends their captain here to teach them Loyalty.
- In Learning from Fish, The Whaler believes that there's much to be learned from Carp that Glint, that swim near the shores of Ren Bo, by watching and hunting them.
- Its name is a reference to Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Its controlled climate adds to this allusion. In addition, the Loyalty Trait obtained from the "Voyage of Discovery" on this Island is a reference to her Element of Harmony.
- The misspelling of "strong winds" as "strong wings" is likely intentional as well.